Sunday, May 30, 2010


Here is just a little bit of life lately from April to May. Well I guess that they are more like random pictures, because I doesn't tell the whole story of what we have been doing lately. But it is all I have!

My Dad built Mac a train table and used the little table from when I was a kid as a base. The table top just sits on the top of the table and can be removed for more space and to use the table as a table. I need to refinish the table and paint the train table top and the table. But for now it is being used with love in Mac's room.

Just kicking the soccer ball around the empty lot next door to us.

Just enjoying the sun!

Eating snacks outside.

A typical Mac thing to do.

Smoothie mustache!

When Mac stole Hubs's shoes to go into the garage because I told he couldn't go out there without shoes.

The boys waiting for me to get my camera so we could go on a walk.

Not the best picture, but for some reason I really love it!

We had a warm evening so I put his swimsuit on him and let him play with the running hose. He was loving it!

One of those moments where I was watching Hubs mow our lawn and Mac play in the doorway and thought I AM BLESSED, and I LOVE MY LIFE!

Mac doing a P90X workout with Hubs, so cute!

1 comment:

Lawther family said...

I love the picture of McCoy and Daddy working out. P90X is killer! good luck with that Bryce.
McCoys smoothie 'stache is so cute. You have a great family.