Monday, May 17, 2010


May seems to always be a life changing month for our family, seriously! Some have been full of the most intense heartache you could ever imagine and some have been so full of joy. Yesterday was another one of those days for us as Hubs was released from his service in the Branch Presidency for the Spanish Branch.
At the beginning of June we will start attending our home ward which also happens to be the ward that Hubs grew up in. We are sad to be leaving the branch but feel at peace that we must move on.
On top of this I wonder what else May will hold for us because it is not over yet!

THREE years ago we had just moved to from Portland, Oregon to Helena, Montana! What a life changing decision and an amazing experience. We still miss Montana ALOT! We enjoyed every second we lived there and met some amazing people. We were meant to move to Montana when we did to find our baby boy and I will never forget the impact that made on me and that our Heavenly Father is very aware of desires and has a great plan for us all.

TWO years ago we were preparing to finalize Mac's adoption and move back to Oregon. We had some tender mercies in regards to finalizing Mac's adoption and also with our move back to Oregon. It is crazy to think that we almost moved to Alabama instead of Oregon. But we definitely know we are right where we are supposed to be (for the time being).

ONE year ago we signed the papers to buy/build our very first house. This also came with some tender mercies, and a huge leap of faith. I still can't believe that we got to this point in our lives, because it seems like there were always so many set backs in regards to ever being homeowners. But we are grateful for where we are and the adventure we will take in now joining a new and old Ward for us. And we just love our neighbors and are excited for our little community to grow.


Emily said...

Yay for May! I just think your house is so dang cute. I want to come see it someday.

Jenni said...

Wow! Well, we're so glad you're here in Oregon. We need to get together again. McCoy is as cute as ever, and I love the tulip photos. We went there last year and loved it too!

FarrEver Family said...

I'm so glad I have known you all of these years that you have experienced good MAYS. I missed you when you lived in Montana, and I miss you now that I live in Utah. But I love you, and wish you another Great May to remember.