Sunday, May 16, 2010

Grateful Sunday

I am grateful...

*for the time we have had to serve in the Spanish Branch, and the amazing people we have met and the amazing friends we have made.
*for warm, sunny days and tan lines to show for it.
*that we will have a garden to enjoy eating from this summer.
*that I was able to attend the beautiful baby shower for my cousin and her twin babies that she will be having in the next month.
*for my testimony that Heavenly Father always hears our prayers and that I know he answers them in His own way and in His time.
*to be a Mother and have the opportunity and privilege to teach my children about the gospel and bring them up unto Christ.
*for the time I have had to get to know my friend Marci better since she has been coming every week, with her beautiful little girls, to go to the library and eat lunch with us.
*that Hubs was able to rototill our backyard so that we can level it and get it ready to plant grass and that he was able to build our garden boxes yesterday.
*for those who have been so thoughtful and have added our adoption blog button on their blogs and have even said such beautiful, thoughtful things about us in an effort to help us find our baby.

1 comment:

Marci said...

I'm grateful for a friend like you. You are so awesome and you inspire me every day. I'll miss seeing you at the branch, but at least we've still got the library!