Wednesday, May 12, 2010

He'll know...

...where he came from.
...She sacrificed for him.
...people make mistakes.
...that repentence is possible.
...he is loved by two Mothers.
...She loves him.
...who she is.
...her by name.
...he was not abandoned.
...he was not given up, but given more.
...he has blessed Her life. not be ashamed.
...his story is special.
...he was/is wanted.
...what adoption is.
...that adoption is about love.
...that he is not the only one.
...he is a miracle.
...he is our son.
...he was meant to be our son.
...that Heavenly Father has a plan for him.
...he is a child of God. one is perfect, except our Savior.

And because he will know all of this, he will grow up stronger and happier.


bell family said...

okay I totally love this I may have to copy it to share with Madeleine someday. Beautiful!

The Michiganders said...

Beautiful. I hope he knows what a special mother he has!

Jen said...

There is a 15 year old boy who bore his testimony about being adopted and how he was so grateful and loves his family. I cried and cried. I know that Zack will not really understand everything, but I was so happy for this family!

Dan and Ang said...

I LOVE this! I'm with Corinne... I may have to steal it too. :)

Jason & Kelli's Family said...

My thoughts exactly. I hope and pray that Zachary will know the same things and feel the same things. I want him to be peaceful and confident and content about how he came to our family.

I have started a journal for him and have been writing letters to him in it as I think of things I want him to know as he gets older.

THank you for sharing-it brought tears to my eyes to think about how blessed our family is and how lucky we are to have Zachary.

Anonymous said...

Words cannot describe the feelings of my heart after reading this.
Love, Sunshine -n- Smiles,
Valerie B.