Saturday, May 15, 2010

A few Mac funnies before I forget...

**Hubs was working out in the garage and Mac wanted to go and watch him. I told Mac he couldn't go out there because he didn't have shoes on, but he could sit on the step leading out to the garage. He happened to see that Daddy had left a pair of tennis shoes right next to the door. All of a sudden I look out in the garage and Mac was out there wearing his Daddy's shoes because I told him he had to have shoes on to go outside. I guess he didn't want to disobey.

**We pulled into the gas station and Mac says "Mommy, look it's a BOO ducks!" He saw a little sticker on the convenient store door of the UO Ducks emblem. That's our boy! (We have taught him to say "Goooo Beavers!" and "Boo Ducks!"

**Mac and his buddy/neighbor/boy I babysit got to take a ride in the excavator that they were using while building some houses in our neighbor hood (pictures to come soon). That night in the middle of the night, probably about 3am, Mac wakes up crying "I want to drive the eckavtor!" over and over until I went in and calmed him down. I was cracking up while I was singing him back to sleep.

**I asked Mac where we got him, and he replied with "C's tummy." (Which is a normal response). And then all of a sudden looks all sweet and says "I special!" Ahhh my sweet boy...that you ARE...that you ARE!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

We taught ours... Ducks Rule and Beavers Drool! :o)
He is special indeed...