Sunday, June 3, 2007

Temple Trip

We were able to make a trip to the Billings Montana Temple on Saturday. It was beautiful and a very needed trip there. When we got there the temple grounds were covered in dirty youth, planting and gardening. It was a very cool thing to see. Growing up we never lived close enough to the temple to be able to have an activity like that, I would have loved it.

It will be a big adjustment going from living 5 minutes from the temple to now living 3 1/2 hours from the temple. Our trips now need to entirely be planned out. Which we found out this weekend isnt too bad. Our only problem was that I didnt sleep very good the night before (and we left at 6am) so I wasnt any help in the driving department and Hubs had to drive the entire way. We got some shopping in at the mall and Old Navy (of course) and we ate at the Cracker Barrell for a late lunch. By the time we got home we were exhausted and not very hungry so we had a not so good dinner of root beer floats (not kidding), and I zonked on the couch at 8pm.

And we look very forward to our Temple trip next month.


Emily said...

Wow, that is a really pretty temple! Long drive though...different from being in Tigard! Steve and I finally moved closer to a temple, so hopefully we'll be able to go more often now.
PS: There is no shame in having root beer floats for dinner.

Michelle said...

The temple is really pretty. I didn't even realize they had one in Billings. It is nice that you can turn a visit to the temple into an all day excursion of shopping and going out to lunch together.