Sunday, June 24, 2007

hoping to adopt

It is nearly six years that Hubs and I have been trying to have children. After many, many doctors appointments, tests, painful surgery's, IUIs and more than a few thousand dollars, we have still been unsuccessful in trying to get pregnant. So at the beginning of this year we turned in our adoption paperwork, did our home study and paid another thousand dollars, and we have now been approved to adopt through LDS Family Services.

Our hope now is that by telling as many people as possible, that one of you may be able to help us. If any of you know or know someone that knows someone who is pregnant and thinking of placing their child for adoption, we hope that you will consider referring them to us. If you can't do that then maybe if you are comfortable with it, keeping us in your prayers that adopting a baby may happen soon for us.

Our adoption information is on the side bar. It has our Adoption Profile, our Adoption Agency and the information to contact our Social Worker.


Disclaimer: Wow, this is something that is really hard for me to announce to so many people. I don't like the thought of people feeling sorry for us, or thinking that they are sooo lucky that they were able to have children, or thinking "I don't think I could love someone else's child". But I also hate what people are thinking when they ask me if I have any children, then they immediately follow it with asking how long I have been married, and I tell them six years, and then I know the first thought in their heads is "how selfish of them to wait so long", and then maybe the next thought is "I wonder if they can't have children, oh that's sad". And then some days I am just numb to the whole thing. But I know that it is important to share this with all of you.

This has been a very painful, and heartbreaking journey for us, but we also know that we have become better people, and that we will be better parents than we would have not having this trial.


Julee and Matt said...

I am so excited for you both. You will wonderful parents, as I have seen you with Mylisa and the kids in the family. If you need anyone for a reference, please remember us. You will be in our prayers and I am sure a baby will bless you home soon. Lots of love

Laura & Geb said...

You have my thoughts and prayers through this journey. I am so excited for you both!

kg said...

Congratulations, I hope that sweet spirit finds your home soon. Thank you for sharing this too, I know it's hard to put something so personal out there for all to read.

If it makes you feel any better we didn't have Grant until after 5 years of marraige and people would always ask, 'why are you waiting?' and the truth was we weren't....timing is different for everyone and now we've gone through some hardships trying to get another child into our family....another 5 years of waiting. But you're right, trials are a refining fire and our character grows.

You and Bryce are wonderful and any child to come into your home through adoption or otherwise will be blessed!

p.s. I like the new banner :)

rose said...

you guys are so strong! yesterday there was the greatest thing said in church- "it may be God's will, but not his timing."
i'm sure there is a little one out there just waiting to be a part of your family. and until then, enjoy the peace and quiet, and sleeping in!

rose said...

spring i love you! who knows, when g grows out of his crib, maybe you'll need it by then! bummer we are so far away from eachother. how far is denver area from you?


I will pray for you.

Andy, Amy, Zach and Abby said...

Oh my goodness, you are going to be such wonderful parents! I hope a baby finds you soon, because it will be joining an amazing family. I've got a very good feeling about this and it working out just right for you all! :)

Alifinale said...

I don't know you, but I am friends with Emily. I wish you the best of luck with the upcoming adoption. I can only imagine what a hard time this must be for you guys, and admire your positive attitude despite the struggle. My friend recently wrote on her blog about adoption, something very dear to her thought. Here is the link if you would like to read it. I thought it was very sweet.

Our Pratt Pack said...

Our friends in Nh had been going through the same thing, they sent out a mass email and are now in the process of getting 2 boys from CA. I will definately put the word out. I wish you all the best and you're in our prayers as well!!

Jordan and Danny said...

We will keep an open ear when ever unplanned pregnancy are brought up. You guys will be great parents.
Danny, Jordan, and McKay

Todds Brother

Michelle said...

You guys are in our thoughts and prayers.