Friday, June 1, 2007

ONE MILE..........

I have very vivid memories of my middle school PE teacher, Mr. Sullivan, making us run a mile. Oh how I dreaded those days. In the heat, in the pouring down rain, what ever the weather and no matter how out of shape we were, we had to finish the entire 4 laps around the track, or he would fail us, and it would always take me the entire period to finish it. I would always get those jabbing side pains that make it so you can't move, I would feel like I was going to puke, and I would choke on my thickened saliva (sorry, that's gross!).

I have never been a runner and really have never had any desire to run, until my sweet husband wanted me to start running with him. So we started taking brisk walks every evening when he gets home from work. And then two weeks ago I said OK, lets see how running goes for me, well it didn't go so bad, until we made the mistake of running two days in a row. I couldn't move the next day, but that didn't discourage me. So the point of the story is I have worked my way up to running a full mile without stopping, without the jabbing side pains, and without the whole saliva thing. I made it, and it felt good (besides the feeling like I was going to puke part, but that went away a minute or so after I finished). So now I feel like calling Mr. Sullivan and telling him, hey it only took about 15 years, but I finally finished that ONE MILE!!!


Andy, Amy, Zach and Abby said...

Brenley, I love reading your blog! You have a great style to your writing, and I always get excited to see that you have a new post because I know it will make me smile. :) So glad you're doing well in Montana - they're lucky to have you over there.

Emily said...

Yea...and remember the 20 lap tests? Those were KILLER! "Behind the line please..."
Way to go Brenley! I have dreams of one day being able to run a mile.

Laura & Geb said...

This post brings back to many memories. I hated running that mile!
Way to go Brenley... that is a great accomplishment!

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

I can just picture you back in PE, not that I was there because we went to different schools, but I know you and your dislike for exercise. What a great picture you painted! But I like this new one better, especially because it's without the saliva thing! :) So, way to be brave and support your hubby. He probably appreciates your willingness to exercise with him MORE than you'll ever know. I can imagine because that's how I would be if Aaron would run with me. Elated! Keep it up sista!

Lizzie said...

That seriously brought back some horrible memories (and so did your's Em "behind the line please"). I pretty much hated every year of PE past 5th grade, but I have to admit the Mr. Sullivan years were the worst! I'm happy that you finally enjoyed running the mile.