Saturday, June 7, 2014

School work, friends and jellyfish...

This week we worked on copy work and memorizing the 1st Article of Faith. Both kids have it memorized but I think we need another week of practice to make it stick. 

We had a fun playdate!

Kids played at the neighbors house.

Monday night we went to dinner and I captured this sweet pic. Love these boys!

I am so excited about this new broom and pan I got. It makes it so the kids have another chore they can do. And don't you love that Oak is doing this in her swim suit and mittens. Love her!

Oak's copy work. She requested the word unicorn. I think she did great!

Mac wrote the cutest story for his friend back in Veneta. I really love his story dialogue, no help from me,  he could end up being a great writer some day. 
Translastion: "Whoosh, a shock of light comes from the sky. Is it a plane? No, it's superman. Superman is fighting an octupus. Superman kills the octopus with his laser eye. 

Our front door was filthy when we moved in, but I hadn't gotten to it yet. I put the kids to work with it this week. They actually had fun using the magic erasers. 

Oak said to me, "i'm going to hold my breath for ten minutes!" as she is still breathing through her nose.
So funny!

Mac picked out a whole bunch of books at the library about jelly fish. I read Mac a book and he read me one so I decided to make their lunch look like jellyfish. They really loved it!

Can I just say my favorite lunch is a pastrami sandwich. And my new favorite thing is vanilla greek yogurt with homemade granola. I don't really like yogurt but this stuff isn't bad. My kids love it too!

One day, the kids spent their entire free time, doing this. Mac spinning Oak around on the floor. 

The kids had a little water fight through the fence with the neighbor kids. 

I found this fun way to paint jellyfish and the kids loved it!

These were mine.



The kids were supposed to be cleaning their room and they came into see me like this. Silly kids!

For swim lessons this week, Oak braved walking out onto the board. Not jumping yet, but I don't think she is quite ready. She is still having a hard time jumping into the pool without holding her teachers hand. 

We  bought this sprinkler ball and the kids have loved it. 

We tried our hand at a homemade waterslide. The kids kindof enjoyed it. 

One evening the kids were in their jammies early, I made them some grilled cheese sandwiches and they sat on the back porch and just ate and played together so great. It was fun listening to them catching a frog and bugs and building a habitat to catch some wildlife. They were getting along so well and I just loved it!

They were dancing to some music.


Friday was National Donut Day and so we had to stop and get some.

We had a late lunch at the park and played for a bit. 

There was an hour before bedtime so Oak and I went on a walk/bikeride. Mac decided he just wanted to go to bed. 

Saturday was Free fishing day for kids. We went with our Bishop and a few of his younger kids to the hatchery. It took about one minute for each of our kids to catch a fish. The kids loved it. I took some great pics so a post about that coming. 

One of my primary kids was baptized tonight, Mac went with me. He will be getting baptized in a year and a half and so I have felt like I am needing to be more meaningful in preparing him. Daddy and Oak stayed home and then went on a little date. Mac and I went on a date afterwards and got ice cream. 

This week somehow went by so fast! Another week down. 

1 comment:

Desiree said...

cool jellyfish! You guys do so many fun things.