Saturday, June 21, 2014

Mac 6.5

Mac at six and a half. Wow, I just can hardly believe he is that old. But I am crazy in love with this not-so-little guy. He drive me totally crazy, but it is something I am learning to embrace about him.

Some things about him...
. Lately he has been making a better effort to be friends with his sister. He has been treating her much kinder and they have just been getting along so well lately.
. He is most definitely an extrovert. He loves all social gatherings, thinks he needs to be playing with friends or any adult that is around. He loves having playdates and hates seeing them end even after 5 hours. Is constantly asking if he can go ask the neighbor kids to play. He loves having friends or other kids to play with.
.He is also really great at playing on his own. And you can usually find him playing with his legos, looking at books or playing with action figures.
. He loves books and being read to. He hasn't learned to love reading yet, but we are working on it. But he loves to learn new things and just absorbs and remembers everything.
. He is doing great with swimming and gets out of the pool everyday and says how much he loves it! He is doing really well with his focus and attention with learning and listening to his instructor and sitting and waiting for his turn. He is pretty much swimming on his own. He is just working on his skill so that it won't be so tiring for him. He loves jumping off the diving board and can go straight to swimming after jumping in.
. His favorite night to eat dinner is Taco Tuesday. He loves tacos and pretty much inhales them.
. He loves to do any activity with daddy. He is a daddy's boy all the way!
. He doesn't like to color but loves to draw and write. love his little sketches!
. He loves to be independent and do things himself. And I am trying to let loose and let him.
. He is pretty good at getting up in the morning and getting dressed, making his bed, and cleaning his room with out me asking.
. He will still occasionally put him self down for a nap during quiet time and will also still occasionally fall asleep in the car on the way to the store.
. He loves to be creative and has a very creative mind and has really great ideas and has an amazing imagination.
. He has been really well behaved and thoughtful the last couple of weeks.
. He still struggles at church and in Primary. Occasionally he will have a good Sunday. He loved his teachers and they just got released. Hopefully the new teachers will be just as great with him.
. His top teeth are finally starting to pop through. It only took almost 3 months. I'm going to miss that toothless grin. He has lost a total of 6 baby teeth. He also has this weird thing with his teeth and they turn a grayish brown color no matter how much we brush his teeth. Thankful it isn't harmful to his teeth and cleans right off at the dentist. It starts forming with in weeks after a dental cleaning. It just looks terrible. I have a feeling that throughout his life we will be paying for extra cleanings to keep his teeth look nice because it is very noticeable.
. It is so hard to get a real smile out of him for pictures unless I am tickling him and or some how making him laugh and then the picture is blurry.
. He really struggles with personal space. And with listening to people the first time when they say stop or no.
.He pretty much doesn't take no for an answer. Which needs to be honed into a good quality.

Favorite color: blue
Favorite food: beef stroganoff (only mommys)
Favorite thing to do: go bowling
Favorite thing to do outside: play with friends
Favorite thing to do at home: watch movies with my family
Favorite movie: Star Wars
Favorite show: Magic School Bus
Best friend:  Jayden
Favorite place to go: the movie theater
Favorite thing to do for homeschool: learn about eagles
Favorite animal: shark
I feel sad when: I am in time out.
I feel happy when: daddy tickles me
I am special because: I was adopted
I wish: I could shoot webs like spiderman
Favorite song: Everything is Awesome
Favorite game: Angry Birds
Favorite thing about being six: I'm bigger than a baby (???)
When I grow up: I want to be a police
Best thing about being you: I get to rough house with dad


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