Sunday, June 8, 2014

Free fishing day at the hatchery

So I think this was a state wide thing, but it was free fishing day for kids 12 and under. The nearest fish hatchery had their own free fishing event. They provided the poles and the worms and people there with nets and mallets (to kill the fish, I hated watching them beat the fishes head). They had a place to gut the fish and bags to take them home. And each kid could catch one fish.  Which because it was so stocked, only took less than a minute. We went with our Bishop and a few of his younger kids. And we let him take all the fish home since I won't allow fish in our house. We also got eaten alive by the mosquitoes, again. It was alot of fun!

Oak with her fish. (And the Bishop behind them with two of his boys (he has seven boys, one girl).

The kids had fun touching and poking the mostly dead fish. 

Bishop and his one and only daughter. She is the cutest little girl.

Mac really wanted to help. I had to keep from gagging!!

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