Monday, June 9, 2014

a typical day...

I was reading a friends blog where they just wanted to journal their typical day just to look back and remember that point in her families life. I thought that was a great idea. Since we have a fairly good routine going on I want to remember what our days look like in this season of our life.

The kids are early risers and wake up anywhere between 6am and 7am. We consider it to be sleeping in if they wake up past 7am. Mac is really good at knowing that if he wakes up before 7 then he needs to stay in his room and play quietly until his clock says 7. Oak is still learning this.

When they get up, and before they get breakfast they have to clean their rooms, make their bed, say their morning prayer and get dressed. They are in a pretty good habit of this, so cleaning their room isn't too much of a deal because it is cleaned everyday. I also make my bed, pick up my room a bit and get dressed.

When we are done with that we head down for breakfast. The kids usually want Malt-o-meal, sometimes we have rice crispies, and lately they haven't minded eggs and toast.

After breakfast the kids each have to do at least one chore to help around the house. It is usually cleaning the family room (which is usually their messes anyway) and emptying the dishwasher. Sometimes if they are being good about chores I will add in a few other little ones. I will usually clean the kitchen and pick up around the house. On Mondays and Thursdays I do laundry too.

We used to read the scripture readers during breakfast but we have been trying to work on sitting and listening reverently for church so I have the kids sit on chair next to each other and sit like they would in Primary and their Primary class and I will sit and read to them. They didn't like this at first, but after just telling them it is practice they haven't minded so much.

Then I will come up with something to do school work wise. Like reading or copy work or letting Mac play some math games on the computer. And if the kids are playing great together then I will usually just let them play instead of having them sit down to do school work. Or we will do an art project or science project or just let the kids do their own crafting. We also eat a snack somewhere in there.

Tuesdays and Thursdays we have been going to swim lessons. And we will continue those as much as possible until the kids are swimming confidently.

Lunch time is typically a some kind of sandwich. Lately we have eaten out on the back porch since it is somewhat shaded and the weather is nice. I have been reading Life of Fred to the kids at lunch. It is a life math story book.

After lunch the kids are required to take a quite time for one hour (except on Fridays) in their own rooms. Mac is great at this and Oak is getting better. It is my time to decompress so that I am not a grumpy mommy. Sometimes I will take a nap, sometimes I will clean and sometimes I will watch a show. I need to add into the time, figuring out dinner because I have been slacking in that department. When peaking in on the kids Mac is usually playing with legos and Oak is usually changing her clothes, playing dress ups or reading books. They also are required to clean up all messes made in their room during quiet time before they can come out.

After quite time, the kids are usually starving again. Sometimes I will let them watch a show or we will go run errands, or go to the library. If we go to the park we wait until school is out so that there will be other kids at the park for my kids to play with.

Daddy is usually home by 5  most days or soon after. We spend that time as a family, play, rough house, read books together, eat dinner. lately the kids have been in bed, lights out at 8pm and asleep by 8:30. They have been tired.

Our typical bed time routine is tag team. Hubs always read to each kid their chapter book at the time. Daddy and Mac are reading James and The Giant Peach right now. They did start the Narnia series but we were waiting for one of the books to be reserved for us at the library so they started a different one instead. Oak and daddy are reading a series about Ponies that Oak picked out at the library. While daddy is reading to one I will get the other one bathed and ready for bed and then we switch. Then after dad has said good night they will usually want me to snuggle each of them for a bit.

I don't typically do housework after kids are in bed. The house is usually trashed, but I don't want to waste a quiet evening with my hubby by doing housework that I can just do in the morning when he is gone. We usually crash on the couch and watch what ever series we have found on Netflix. We just finished watching Doc Martin and are now watching Longmire.

So that is our typical day, with obviously a few variations.

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