Friday, January 3, 2014

"Enjoy the LITTLE moments"

So obviously for the last couple of weeks I have been thinking about resolutions. Last year I set a few simple, general goals yet I still didn't accomplish them, in fact I don't even remember what they were. I should look back on my blog and see. But I do know that throughout the year I quietly (in my head) made a goal to change my parenting for the better and also to be a more understanding and less critical wife. I feel like I have made a valiant effort (although far from where I would like to be) in those areas and I will continue to work on them. So I have come to realize that I am one of those people that if I keep my goals to myself I am more likely to achieve them, if I write them down, I have a harder time accomplishing them. I know that goes against most studies, but for me, that is how I roll. 

The last couple of days I have read quite a few blogs of those who give themselves a word to live by for the year. Like HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE. And I decided that was a better way of giving myself a chance at self improvement rather than setting goals or resolutions. 

So last night it came to me as I was painting Oak's toe nails after she asked me about ten times (I have been working on being a better "YES" mom). At first all I wanted to do was just hurry through it so that she would stop bugging me about doing it. But as I was painting those sweet little toes of hers she was starting to be silly with me and instead of getting grumpy at her to just let me finish I decided in the moment to make it a fun moment instead of a rush through it moment and be silly with her also. It was so sweet and fun and we were both giggling. And it just made me love her that much more. Then it made me want to slow down our bed time routine and enjoy her sweetness. And you know what? It totally made my night.

So in that moment I decided that I wanted a phrase instead of a word...

"Enjoy the LITTLE moments"

I have no problem enjoying the big moments we spend as family like when we just went to the Lava Beds, but I struggle in the everyday little moments that make up my life. Like painting my daughters toenails, or reading to my kids before bed, or sitting down and eating and talking with them during lunch and breakfast, or sitting down and snuggling my kids when they ask or when my son was helping me take the garbage cans back from the road (although my neighbor let me know she didn't like that, but that is a whole different story) or even just enjoying a beautiful sunset. I don't want to hurry through those just so I can get to the next moment which is usually my household obligations or wasting time on my phone. And the little moments with my kids, and husband are way more important than that. I really want my kids to look back and adore their childhood, not look back and think "My mom was super grumpy!" And just as important I want to be an example to my kids of being happy and having a good attitude about life and learn to enjoy the little moments that make up their lives.

So here is to a life of enjoy the LITTLE moments.

And a little inspiration to help...

Off to play Legos with my son!

1 comment:

Tia Hopper said...

This is brilliant!! I hadn't made a single resolution this year. Being pregnant and sick and tired all the time I'm a terrible Mom and wife. And I know it but just trying to get through one day at a time, I can't make any goals right now. It's just not in my capacity. But I would like to enjoy the moment I'm in if I can. If I'm able, I need to enjoy what I am given. Thank you for that!!