Thursday, December 20, 2012

five year check-up

Mac went in today for his five year check up. He did so great! He cooperated for everything they asked him to do, which they had a few more "tests" because of his age. He passed everything with flying colors. The nurse and his doctor were really impressed with his cooperation, concentration and how smart he is. I already knew he is a really smart boy, but it is nice to have professionals say that :)

His stats are...
Weight: 42 lbs  (59th %tile)
Height: 43.5 inches (3 ft 7.5 in) 61 %tile

 Mac was also able to get caught up on his immunizations to be ready for kindergarten next year. He got three shots and although he put up a little fight at first, he did great and was really brave. For his bravery we stopped at the mall to get a cinnabon and play at the mall play place.

I really love our pediatrician! She is so nice and she always makes me feel like I am the most amazing mom in the world. And  today she happened to walk by when I was at the front desk. And when she saw me she took the time to stop and say hi to me and ask how I was doing, although I would be seeing her in like 30 minutes for our appointment. How awesome is that?!

I am just amazed at what a big kid Mac is now. He really is no longer a little little kid or toddler. I can hardly believe that he will be losing teeth probably in the next year and will also be starting kindergarten. The day he was born just really doesn't seem like it was that long ago.

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