Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Above picture: I asked Mac to go get dressed so we could go run errands. He came out looking like this and because big brother was wearing his skeleton pajamas/costume, Oak had to wear hers too. Wasn't in the mood to put up a fight, so I got to run errands with these cute little skeletons. They got a ton of smiles from everyone! I know it totally made my day.

My kids were playing dress up and Oak was in her princess dress-up walking around the house bowing saying "Thank you, thank you!" over and over. At the same time Mac was in his room trying to decide whether or not to put his spider man costume on or his knight costume. Last minute he decides the knight costume and says, "What is a princess without her knight?!" 

We were talking to the Elders and Oak was telling them how old she was and when her birthday was. One of the Elders got excited and said they had the same birthday so he asked Oak for a fist bump (or "pound" as we call them). She wouldn't do it and left him hanging so I gave him the fist bump instead. Oak looks at me with a mad face and says, "hey, you took my pound!!"

Oak had gotten hurt...
Mama: Where's your owie at?
Oak: (Whimpering and sad) My pinky I can't go 'we we we all the way home'.

In talking about getting bigger and growing up, Mac says, "I don't feel like I am five, I don't feel like I got bigger, I still feel like I am four." (he wasn't saying it with a bad attitude at all, just as a fact.). And then when he was opening his presents the morning of his birthday from us and his birth mother, Oak started to cry because she didn't have a present to open so he gave her one of his presents to open so she wouldn't be sad.

When we got home one day from running errands the mail man was in our driveway delivering some packages. One was from Mac's birth mother. I told Mac that we got a package from C and he says, "That's my birth mom! I am so excited I got a package from my birth mom!!" Super duper LOVE open adoption!

 Oak was wearing a hat of grandpa's that looked like a cowboy hat. She was going around the house walking funny and saying in a deep voice, "I'm a cowboy!" Then she walks up to her daddy and says in a deep voice, "Cowboy, can I have a drink of water?!"

Oak has spent all morning carrying around baby Jesus and Mary from our Little People Nativity. 
Me: Oak, where is baby Jesus and Mary?
Oak: In the oven.
Thankfully it was just her play kitchen oven.

Daddy was drinking something and Oak wanted some, but it was right before she was to go to bed.
Oak: Daddy can I have a little bit?
Daddy: No you can't.
Oak: Just a little bit??
Daddy: Nope.
Oak: Can I have a big, big, BIG bit???
Daddy: (laughing) You can't have a big bit either.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

They are SOOO cute! I love that you took the little skeletons to run errands with you! And the story about Oak's pinkie toe made me laugh. You are so good at recording all of the sweet little details.