Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday Gratitude

I am grateful...

01.   to have wonderful, amazing people in my life.
02.  that there are heroes willing to sacrifice so much to protect our freedoms.
03.   that my amazing husband works really hard to make sure we are taken care of in every way possible.
04.  that there is no other place I would rather be than with my own little family.
05.  that nearly 11 years ago I met my Hubs and the moment I first saw him I KNEW I was going to marry him.
06.  for Mac's Birth Mother and that I get to read about her latest adventure on her blog. So proud of her!
07. for Oak's Birth Parents, they are just awesome! I just really love them.
08. for the wonderful supportive people that Mac's Birth Mother, and Oak's Birth Parents have in their lives. It really makes all the difference when making such a huge decision and sacrifice.
09. for the gospel and my testimony and that I get to teach my little one's that they are children of God.
10.  for awesome parents. I am so grateful to live so close to them and get to see them as often as we do. They do so much for us and my kids adore them!