Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday Gratitude...

I am thankful...

01.  for my sweet little family that we fought so hard for. They were so completely worth every pain and heartache!
02. that I got to see my parents today for the first time in nearly a month. I was getting a bit homesick not seeing them for so long.
03. for a pretty amazing and awesome husband. yes he is!!!
04. for the cooler evening temps. so much easier to sleep.
05. to have gotten most of the garage cleaned. and I mean three full car loads to goodwill and just about every single box gone through that we haven't touched in years.
06. that Mac has finally taken to riding his big boy bike and will even ride it on evening walks through our neighborhood. I have never seen him so determined about anything with our complaining and giving up. And a great way to wear him out before bed.
07. for the one and only cucumber that our garden produced. It was so yummy! We go for quality, not quantity here (just look at my beautiful kids)
08. for the little tradition that we have on our way to church every Sunday. Every one gets to choose a Primary song and we sing it. If not every one is singing the car stops, it will only go if every one is singing. And our last song it always "When I go to Church" and we make sure it gets finished just as we see our church building.
09. for the yummy apple crisp that we had for dessert tonight.
10. that my kids' grandparents will get on the floor and play with them. Something I never had and have wanted for my children.


Jewls said...

You're so cute! We are all about quality too...we only got TWO cucumbers, lol! :)

Unknown said...

Brenley, you are amazing. Life is all about focusing on the positives and enjoying them and you do an incredible job of not only documenting yours but sharing them and inspiring us all to do the same. I love you and look up to you so much.

Unknown said...

Mama B, you are amazing. Life is all about focusing on the positives and enjoying them and you do an incredible job of not only documenting yours but sharing them and inspiring us all to do the same. I love you and look up to you so much.