Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Our little Miss Sunshine... {at 13 months}

Oh this girl! She is spunky, funny, happy and sometimes a little bit crazy. She loves to pull hair and scratch/pinch. When you ask her questions she nods or shakes her head, it is so adorable. She loves to rough house with Mac. She hates to be confined in any form. She likes to spin herself around to get dizzy. She loves books but isn't great at sitting and listening unless she is getting ready for bed. Her favorite is Huggle Buggle Bear and any picture book. She really loves to look at picture books and point to things as we tell her what they are. She loves animals of any kind and the world stops when she sees one. She loves cell phones and can be easily bribed with one. She much prefers guys over woman. She loves babies just as much as animals. She gets into everything and loves to put everything in her mouth. When she has her mind set on wanting something and we tell her no she will throw herself on the floor and cry. Her tantrums are so cute! She loves baths and they are getting a bit easier since she is getting better at not standing in the tub all the time. She loves snacks in her snack cup and takes it very seriously. She is not happy if you even think about taking her snack cup away from her. When we are sitting on the floor she loves to come and sit on our laps. She turns herself around and backs up, so cute. Her hair is getting longer and I swear she wakes up with a new curl everyday. It also seems to be more red tinted lately. I get alot of people telling me (whether they know my kids are adopted or not) that my kids look so much alike. This little girl of ours is just amazing and we really can't fathom our life without her.

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FarrEver Family said...
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