Friday, September 23, 2011

Cell phone pics...

Daiper wedgie, so funny!

I couldn't believe that he had copied the letters so well.

Oak's actualy birthday, she got waffles with a candle. She wouldn't eat the waffles. Silly girl doesn't like pancakes, french toasst or waffles.

On her birthday dressed to impress for her Aunt's wedding reception.

Just a super cute face, love her!

He was showing me what color his tongue was after drinking a smoothy.

The first time she figured out how to suck through a straw. Thank you McDonald's smoothie!

My goofy boy!

Could she be any sweet?!

Seriously I could eat her up!

And him too!

Her new trick!

We had eaten at a local restraunt and this was just outside the doors. It was a super hot day and we live about 1 minute from this place. So I let the kids play in it. They were soaked! And had a blast. When they were done, we stripped them down to undies and diaper and went home.

Really, I could eat her up!

She LOVES balls and we really aren't that suprised since both of her birth parents are super into sports.

Mac really loves for Grandpa to tell him police stories and this day at their house Grandpa got out his handcuffs to show Mac.

When we were visiting my parents one day, I took my eyes of Oak for 30 seconds and she had wandered into my parents bathroom and made herself at home in the shower. She loves little nooks to just sit in.

She was really loving her spaghetti!

Saturday morning when Hubs had gotten up with the kids to let me sleep a little longer, I came out to this. And he even had a smile on his face. What an awesome daddy!

Oak loves to wear hats. Well she likes to wear them for fun, not to look cute and go somewhere. She thinks she is pretty cool in them.

Sweaty, grumpy, tired girl!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love all of these pictures. I take so many pictures of my kids and the poor quality cell phone ones are always my favorite.