Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mac Funnies

 ~We were playing super heroes and Mac gave me the bad guys to be. I told him that I wanted them to be good guys. He picks one up and looks at it and says, "They are bad guys, see...their eyebrows go down."

~Mac was playing with some change on my nightstand. And I over hear: "This one is for my piggy bank and this one is for the Bishop (Tithing)." I am a proud Mama!!

~He was in bed looking at a book that had spanish words in it. I told him that when he was done looking at it I would come and snuggle him. A few minutes later he yells to me, "Mom, I'm done spanishing!!!"

~Mac had just walked in the door from playing outside. He tells me, "I fell on the step but I'm a tough guy so it's ok! ... OH! And I have to go potty SUPER bad!"

~No nap = a very tired boy sitting at the dinner table crying "I don't want to eat bizagna (lasagna)!" I couldn't help but chuckle to myself every time he said it. 

~Mac's prayer one night, "Please bless that we don't eat too fast and get a headache. Amen" 

~ He was playing with cousins and I heard him crying. When I asked him what was wrong he said "Tate tickled me too fast!" Tate is much younger and smaller than him by the way.

~We were giving Mac some chocolate as a bribe while doing family pictures. I said something about there being nothing better than candy as a bribe (or something like that) and Mac says almost immediately "uh-uh...ferris wheels!!" Since his other bribe was that we would take him on the ferris wheel if he was good for pictures and errands.

~ Everytime I asked Mac about his favorite part of the fair (or the "ferris" as he calls it) he would say something different. My favorite was when he said he loved the roller coaster. He said, "It was really bumpy...I LOVED the bumpy!!"

~Mac out of the blue asked me, "Mama, what are you going to do when I grow up and go to school?" I was totally fine with him starting preschool until that moment.

~ He had been in bed and had been begging for some water. I told him numerous times NO (I am the one he wakes up in the middle of the night when he has to go potty). When daddy got home and he was in bed talking to him. Mac told daddy, holding up his hand, "Tell mommy this many times that I want some water...and then tell her again."

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