Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What we have been up to...

~ We have been spending almost every evening trying to get things packed. Thankfully Mac usually goes to bed between 6:30 and 7, so we are able to do this.
~Hubs's last day of work is Friday. We are excited to get him 24/7 for a little more than a week.
~We met Hubs for lunch at work last week. I love being able to do that. I hope we can still do that some with his new job, well at least when it isn't busy season.
~Mac broke the last of the 4 teeth he has been working on, last week. I think he may now be working on some more top teeth.
~Today Mac has constantly been grinding his teeth together, and driving me nuts! Every time he does it I stick my fingers in his mouth to get him to stop.
~Mac had his 6 month check-up and got his shots Friday, and was a little on the crabby side for just Saturday.
~I took family pictures for a family in our Ward. They turned out ok. I am not the best with group pictures, I am more confident on individual shots. And the ones of just each kid turned out awesome. I am still trying to get them edited so I can get them to the family before we move.
~We went to our friends house for a BBQ Saturday night, yumm!
~C came for a fun visit with us on Sunday. I took so many precious pictures of her and Mac and I so wish I could share them on here. I will be hanging some of them in Mac's room after we move. This was our last visit with her before we move. We have been lucky enough to live close enough to her that we have seen her at least once a month since Mac was born. (C took the picture above, along with a whole bunch more.)
~Mac went to his first minor league baseball game last night. Our friend Nick works for the Helena Brewers baseball team and got us tickets and we went with our friend Heather (his wife). It was the season opener. It was pretty fun. Mac seemed to enjoy all the people that were around. That kept him distracted long enough for us to make it through 5 innings before we had to go home and put him to bed. I am pretty sure the Brewers lost, it was 0-3 when we left.

~Mac has finally found his feet and tries to grab them, but his feet are some times a little to wiggly for him to get a good grip on them. He was trying to put one in his mouth today.
~I think I have been in denial about this the last couple of weeks, but I think Mac has finally outgrown his LONG morning naps. Dang it!


Emily said...

You guys are busy! Moving is always stressful, so I'm glad Bryce gets a few days to help out.

I can't believe he has so many teeth! How cute!

Good luck with the rest of your move!

ckkg said...

some pretty special occasions -- so good that you are writing them down! how neat that you got to spend time with mccoy's birthmom -- i'm sure she is beyond special to you guys! where are you guys moving? i must have missed it!

ckkg said...

oh and by the way, thanks for the info on the celebrating adoption photography site -- we booked a photographer in our area for august! that is such an AWESOME service!

Jen said...

I hated when 2 naps a day just became one. What is worse is going from one to NONE!! I starting to get resistance from the twins on napping!!! I hope they can hold on a little longer! Good luck with the move to bad it wasn't to Denver

Shauna said...

Wow, it sounds like you guys have been keeping very busy. Congratulations on your adoption finalization! I'm sure that is a great weight off you guys. What a blessing to have it done before you move. Good luck on the moving, and hope to see you all soon. Take care!

Kimi said...

I am sure that "C" means the world to you guys. She sounds like such a special girl! McCoy is very lucky to have so many wonderful people in his life.
It sounds like you guys have been really busy.
I will have to hit you up for some picture of my kidlets while I am in Oregon. They need to have some fun cute pictures done. I just hate going to the sudios they are so boring! Let me know if you wouldn't mind doing that for me while I am in Oregon.
Good luck on your move!

Desiree said...

I know what you mean about taking pictures of groups. I just did a wedding (one of my firsts) and it was a little stressful. Sounds like your plenty busy!!

FarrEver Family said...

I love this little update, it is fun to see into your brain a bit. McCoy is cute as ever, and I hope to get to see him soon.
I am sure your pics went well, you always do a great job.
Miss you, and hope the move goes well.