Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy HALF Birthday!!

I seriously can't believe that my baby is 6 months old, HOLY COW!

The last 6 months has gone by really fast somehow! I am trying really hard to enjoy his little milestones NOW and not get too excited for the next. Mac is such a joy and he really is just a perfect baby. I just can't get over how blessed we are!

6 Month Check-up stats:

He is in the 50th percentile in all (perfect!)

Weight: 17.4 lbs

Height: 26.5 in.

(He has only gained 2 lbs and 1/2 in since 4 month check-up)

*Still sleeps through the night

(except on weekends when it is Daddy's turn to get up with him.)

*He has 4 teeth (took about 2 weeks to get all four.)

*He is so interactive with us and others

*He smiles and coos every time you smile at him.

*He is laughing more and more (especially at Daddy)

*He is rolling over both ways.

*He LOVES sweet potatoes, carrots and sweet peas (baby food).

*Gags on fruit except bananas.

*He will eat a whole container of baby food and still want more (stage 1).

*He loves to stand.

*He grabs at everything in site (including Mommy's hair).

*His eczema is getting SO much better.

*When he drops a toy, he will roll to his side, find it and grab it.

*He can hold his own bottle.

*He loves to look out the window.

*He still needs to be swaddled to go to sleep (we are going to try to break this habit after our move.)

*When he is mad, he screams in a really high pitched scream.

*He loves to play with anything dangling, (he will hit it with his hand over and over)

*He loves when I sign the alphabet to him.

*He know what the sign for milk means.

*His favorite song is Popcorn Popping.

*He is healthy and strong.

We can't wait until he is OURS legally and FOREVER!


Julee and Matt said...

He is SO cute and I can't believe he is already 6 months old! We can't wait to get to meet him. :)

rose said...

woah that did go by fast! such a cute and cuddly age. love those big blues!!!

Kimi said...

He is so cute! Enjoy every minute! It is amazing hoe darn fast they grow up. I know I miss my kidlets being so small.

Andy, Amy, Zach and Abby said...

Time does fly! Hard to believe he's halfway to being ONE! I know you're enjoying every minute of it though, and that's what's important!

kimsueellen said...

6 Months? Holy cow. I can't believe it! Happy Half little dude. I miss coming here...I should really update my link list. So sorry.