Thursday, June 19, 2008

for my record...

Mac rolled over 3 times in a row (as if he was trying to get somewhere). From back to tummy to back to tummy. Then he decided to go back the other way and rolled to his back. I don't think it will be long before he IS actually rolling to try to get to something. Holy Cow he is growing up way too fast!


Kimi said...

That is such a fun stage. Now the real fun is about to start. Enjoy every movement and expecially every non movement he makes. You will understand what I am saying later!
Once they start moving they just don't stop!

Archambault Family said...

They do grow up fast, enjoy every moment!

Desiree said...

April did this when she was his age. She rolled across the room to get to something! What fun, enjoy it while it lasts! I think Aaron just went from sitting to running :-)