Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Mac update...

Well, Mac has popped another tooth, the top, front, left tooth. The other top one is not too far behind, as well as the other bottom one. Since he has gotten the top and bottom ones in on the same side, he has decided to start grinding them together.
He also got to taste his very first baby food, organic sweet potatoes! He really liked them! Yay for Mac!


Julee and Matt said...

Those were Macee's favorite! Also, try the ones with corn and the applesauce, with and without extra fruit. He is going to become super chunk before long. :)

Archambault Family said...

Oh, he is growing up too fast! Before you know it he will be walking and talking. Enjoy these moments.

Desiree said...

Wow, food already! He's growing so fast! I love it when they get to this stage it's so fun to watch them discover food.

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

He's growing up. Can you believe how fast the time goes? Soon enough he'll have a full mouth of teeth and grinding like crazy. I have to stop Cade when I hear it, it drives me crazy!

And sweet potatoes.....YUMMMMMM! What a big boy!!!

And what's this about you guys moving??? NEED MORE DETAILS PLEASE!!!!