Monday, June 9, 2008

New things Mac...

Well first, the not so new...he cut his other bottom tooth. And the other top one is taking it's time and just sitting there right under the skin, ouch!

We had a rough day yesterday with this whole teething thing. We even left church halfway through Sunday School. When we got home Mac was so tired and probably in alot of pain that he literally screamed for at least an hour and a half, even while we were holding him. Nothing could sooth him. We finally got him to sleep in his crib after several attempts. A few hours later, we went through the same thing, but maybe a little less dramatic.

Now for the new...Mac has learned how to arch his back and throw is head back. Not so fun for me. But it is really cute at the same time. It really doesn't help when he is already throwing a fit, like stated in the above paragraph.

And, for the last couple of weeks he has decided that screaming at the top of his lungs was way more fun than babbling. But now he is back to babbling, thank goodness for our ears. And yesterday he started making some new sounds, like..."ga da da ga da da". So that is one for Daddy, although it was just sound making, not him saying the word!


Julee and Matt said...

Try teething tablets..they worked so well with the girls. They helped them sleep and seemed to help with the pain. :)

Gaerte Family said...

Way to go MC. I think it is good that he is getting a ton of teeth at once. Emilia did this and it just got it over with. Callan is taking his time with the one that is broken the skin but is not coming up. Also, be careful with the back arching. We had a few near misses with head bonks because of the arm diving. Miss you!

rose said...

oh the joys of teething.....
teething tablets are THE BEST! h is still not done. he loves to chew on frozen waffles, and cut up frozen bagels are great when they are little like mccoy. you'll both get through it eventually! ;)

Carol and Bruce said...

Brenley, I'm so excited to hear you are moving into our neighborhood and ward! I hope I get to hold and smooch on baby McCoy real soon. Let us know if we can help in any way. I would love to have him over while you do some unpacking.