Wednesday, June 4, 2008

so thankful for birthmothers...

Yesterday afternoon, Mac and I headed to the WalMart to do our dreaded grocery shopping. As we were heading down each aisle, we kept on meeting up with the same people. There was this one lady, probably in her 60's who kept on commenting on how cute Mac is, and how precious babies are. And she would say something to us every time we saw her. After this happening a few times, we stopped and chatted for a few minutes.

She told me how much she loved babies and how so precious they are, and she was tickling Mac's feet. She asked me if I was from around here, and I said that I lived here. She continued by telling me that her and some of her friends were just at the library getting signatures to help stop abortion. I told her that was so wonderful. She told me how she knew that babies were human beings from the moment they are conceived and that abortion is so awful. (She wasn't being political, she was just telling me how she felt.) I told her that I felt the same way about it and told her that we had adopted Mac. She just lit up when I told her that.

She said that when she was 17 years old she placed her baby girl for adoption. She said that she knew she just couldn't take care of a baby. She told me she never regretted it. She started getting emotional. She said that she told herself that before she died that she would find her daughter. Her baby was born in South Carolina and she found her 37 years later living in the exact same state that she lives in (Montana). She met her and her adoptive parents. And she has a wonderful relationship with all of them now. I asked her if her daughter had a good life, and she said that she did and that her parents were so wonderful to her and that she turned out to be a wonderful woman.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She asked me about adopting Mac and I told her about the relationship we have with his birthmother and she just got all excited about it. She then asked me if she could hug me and she is crying. So we hugged and she told me that she was so glad that she met me.

I went home with such gratitude for our sweet C and her amazingly difficult sacrifice for our amazing son. I am so grateful that Hubs and I have gotten the opportunity to experience the miracle of adoption. We are so blessed to be able to become parents in this manner, I wouldn't change it for anything!


dust and kam said...

What an amazing experience!

I LOVE adoption! It is amazing!

Desiree said...

Wow, that is so neat. Isn't it funny and awesome how we cross paths with those who might touch our hearts the most.

Julee and Matt said...

Thanks for making me cry reading this. That is so wonderful how people can be connected with adoption. Yeah for you and Bryce getting to have sweet McCoy!

Chillygator said...

That is wonderful!

I went to the dentist today and the lady helping me started talking about her adopted daughter (who is her niece) and I mentioned I was adopted. We bonded, of course. It's just everywhere and it's so wonderful. I hope you gave her your blog address.

Dan & Ashley said...

I love the above picture of C and McCoy. I feel so grateful to have been able to experience adoption, too. It's so amazing!

The Michiganders said...

What a neat experience! Thanks for sharing that!

Our Pratt Pack said...

What an great experience, who never know what you'll run into at walmart!

Leisha said...

Beautiful, beautiful. I am amazed at how many times that has happened to me. It is almost as if the Lord is giving that person added peace about their decision, etc.

Once I had a strong impression to bear my testimony about birthmothers and adoption (I thought it was weird for sacrament meeting, but I did it) and, like 10 people stood up to express that their sister, their friend, or they themselves were birthmothers! There was even a girl in the congregation who was pregnant and about to choose the family for her baby.

It reaffirms to me the love the Lord has for these wonderful women who follow His will despite the pain.

rose said...

how awesome!
those of us that have the children that we gave birth to don't get to have special little experiences like that. we have normal, boring stories. you have a heartwarming, extra super special story. how great you get to tell it!
mccoy has got one awesome mama!

Jen said...

That is another wonderful blessing of adoption. We had such a spiritual experience with adopting Zack. Even now we think that he was just supposed to have come to us. After being on the adoption list for a 1 1/2yrs after getting Zack with nothing then having 3 others we just knew that it was the plan for Zack. Now you get to look forward to another special experience that other don't get to have and that is the temple. It was so cool to experience the sealing one we missed with the other 3. I wish we could do that with all of our kids. I just am so happy for you guys. Are you moving to Denver by chance??? Chase saw your family picture and said hey that is my friend and pointed to you. He still remembers you!!

Ron and Jessica said...

That is a great moment! I'm glad you both were able to share your stories with each other and be able to appreciate the miracle of adoption and life.

Kimi said...

that is so sweet! No I am crying like a baby! I have always wanted to adopt a baby or two, but now isn't the time for us to do so but I hope that it will happen some day.

Andy, Amy, Zach and Abby said...

Wow - what a story! How special that after just meeting each other you were able to share such a moment together. Pretty amazing!

Marc and Megan said...

Brenley, that is such a sweet story! Thank you for sharing it. Adoption is such an amazing miracle!! And, your little McCoy is so blessed and lucky!

Archambault Family said...

What a true blessing little McCoy is. There is a reason for everything in life. You guys are so blessed to have a birth mother that is so wonderful and kind. She seems like a great woman. McCoy is blessed to have both a wonderful birth mother and you as his mother!

Just the THREE of us said...

cool story, truly a tender mercy of the Lord!