Thursday, May 29, 2008


I just wanted to make sure I jotted these things down...
Mac is rolling over all the time, both ways. Today he was doing tummy time and he kept rolling over to his back. I think I put him back on his tummy five times.
I also have noticed that when we are holding him or he is just laying around that he crosses his feet. It is so cute!
His hair is also coming in more, except for on his bald spot. I am worried that he has a perma-bald spot, and he will be made fun of all his life (jk).
Hubs totally had him laughing today. And it was so cute how Mac would wait for Daddy to make the silly noise for him, so that he could laugh. I loved watching them play together. When I went to go get my video camera, the battery was dead, but Mac was done playing by that time anyway.
I have been starting some signs with Mac. He is always looking at what my hands are doing, so I figured it was time. My sister, who is a Sign Language Interpreter, helps by giving me pointers on what signs to start using and how to teach them to him.
It is getting much harder to change his diapers because he is so wiggly and he is always rolling on to his side to see what is going on.

He is just smiling all the time now. You just have to look at him and he smiles so big. It just melts our hearts.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I love the age he's at...they are always so smiley and happy! Sounds like he's a pro at rolling over, that's so cool!