Friday, May 23, 2008

This is mostly just so I remember...

Mac rolled over again yesterday, twice. This time it was from his back to his tummy. The first time Daddy was coaxing him and the second time, less than a minute later, he did it on his own. But he got his arms stuck under him and couldn't get them out, which when you already don't like being on your stomach, makes it even less bearable.


Gaerte Family said...

Way to go!!!! Does he stick his legs up in the air and force his head up? This is Callan's protest when he gets stuck. Wuv!!!

Wisdom Become Me said...

Brenly, how are you? It has been a long time since I last seen or heard from you. I think I am to blame more than you. I am glad to see that you are doing good. You are have a very beautiful family. Your son is very cute.

Where are you at these days? I noticed the post that you were going on a long road trip to Oregon. I am impressed that you have done such a good job of keeping in touch with people that we grew up with. You will have to tell me about your family.

I am well. I am in Denver, actually a suburb. I am a CPA doing taxes. Nothing is better than taxes. My family has grown to four. My wife, Katie, and I have two kids, Elizabeth (3 years old) and Adeline (10 months). Kids are amazing. They are really good kids.

I am glad to see that you are such a proponent of adoption. My brother and his wife are in the adoption process right now.

I hope all is well. Tell your parents hello for me.
