Wednesday, May 28, 2008

We're BACK!

Well we got back last night from our little Oregon trip. We were so glad to be home after all the driving. Mac actually did pretty awesome, which made it all a little easier.
We drove through the night on the trip to Oregon. We were hoping Mac would sleep more. He had a hard time staying asleep and was just taking little naps until about 1 or 2 in the morning and then stayed asleep the rest of the trip. We only had one or two moments where he was in hysterics. We got to my parents house at about 5 in the morning. We didn't do much that day, mostly just tried to catch up on our sleep.
The next day we left Mac with my parents and went and did a little shopping and some other errands in Eugene/Springfield. When we got back my aunt and uncle were at my parents house, so we got to visit with them for a little while. Then Hubs and I went and watched the new Narnia movie at the theater.
The next morning we got up and headed out to the family lake house to meet up with Hubs's family. We were so excited to see everyone and they were all so excited to see Mac. The weather was so beautiful the whole weekend. We really lucked out! Mostly we just spent the weekend hanging out and the kids went on the boat alot. We also got to see alot of extended family that also have houses on the same lake. Everyone just oogled over Mac. Mac did pretty good, although he had a hard time going down for his naps and then staying asleep, which made for a grouchy baby some of the time. But we had a blast!
Monday afternoon we drove back to my parents house and then left very early the next morning to head home. The trip home was hard because when one of us wasn't driving we were having to feed or entertain Mac so we weren't able to get sleep in between driving. And Mac only had one hysterical moment. When we got home last night he was such a good baby, and you could tell that he was just so glad to be out of his carseat.
I will post more pictures soon. There are so many, that I want to put them in a slide show, but I have to edit them first. And I still have to put all of our junk away from our trip.
And by the way...I can't tell you the little secret yet. So you still have to wait!


Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

Good to hear you guys had a safe drive and a wonderful trip! I bet it was sooooo fun for everyone to dote all over McCoy! :) And sounds like you and Bryce got some fun time away by yourselves. Super nice!

How much longer do we have to wait before hearing the surprise/secret????

Marc and Megan said...

Sounds like such a fun trip! I'm glad you all survived the long drive there and back! AND, I'm dying here not knowing your little surprise!! :)

Julee and Matt said...

I am glad to hear you made it back....and I think I know your little secret...but I am not telling anyone! :)

Andrea said...

That sounds like such a great trip! I am missing Oregon at the moment and looking forward to me and the kids being able to spend a few weeks there in July while Joe is in Colorado Springs. Thanks for the note on my blog--just you saying that about Jozlyn looking like me when I was that age brought back of bunch of memories....especially the picture of us in our matching dresses. :) Fun, fun...
Take care! I'll be stalking your blog for the big surprise! :)

Jill said...

I love that picture of McCoy. Glad you guys had a great trip. Can't wait for your surprise!

Andy, Amy, Zach and Abby said...

Sounds like it all went well -hooray! Nice that you and Bryce got some alone time too. I bet your family went nuts over McCoy, as they should, right?? :)

Archambault Family said...

Can I just say you are making me nuts trying to figure out your little secret! I want to know!!! Come on, please tell us!!! Glad to hear you had a great time visiting your family in Oregon.

Carlotta said...

That PIC!!! SERIOUSLY!! HE is TOOO CUTE! I can't process it! YUMMY