Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sunday Gratitude...three...

...for modern medicine. I have gone more days with a migraine than without the last few weeks and I seriously not be able to function without having a medication that I know will take it away so that I can do what I need to do. go visiting teaching. I have to say that I am not the best at doing this, but I have a fantastic partner who motivates me to succeed. I met some amazing and wonderful ladies this week and I am so grateful for that. 

...for essential oils. I have used a new one on Mac to hopefully aid in some behavior problems that he has. And I have seen a really big change, and it makes me hopeful and happy.

...for healthy food. We have made big changes in the way we eat over the last couple of years. It makes me happy that we have come so far. I love being able to make a healthy meal for my family even if a certain someone usually won't eat it.

...for family scripture reading. Over the last few months we have been able to make a good routine of reading scriptures as a family. It feels good to be doing this even though the kids are usually not paying attention. It has also helped in improving Mac reading.

...for wonderful Primary teachers. Mac can be quite difficult and crazy at church and his new teacher this year will be so wonderful with him. She is also very honest with me about his behavior and I really appreciate that so that I can help him too. 

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