Monday, January 5, 2015

one month

It has been one month since I buried my dad. I am still having a hard time believing that my dad is really gone from this earth. I spend most of my time avoiding thinking about it too deeply because I am tired of crying. I know that I am going to need to get that all out at some point, but I am just not ready. I miss him so much, yet I know he is happy and well. I have been enjoying talking about all the wonderful things about my dad and the wonderful memories we have of him. That makes me happy.

 I went back and forth on whether or not I was ready to post these photos I took. But I want them to be here on my blog to remember this day. 

The day we buried my dad could not have been a more beautiful Utah, December day. I was worried how my children would react. Both of my kids surprised me. Mac was solemn and serious, and Oak burst into tears as soon as she saw my dads casket. The one blurry picture of the top of my kids head is Oak hugging my leg balling and Mac immediately came up to Oak and started comforting her. It was a beautiful moment in a moment of great sadness. I will never forget it. 
Another beautiful moment was when Taps was played. My dad would have been so pleased with that.
My kids loved holding Grandpa's flag afterwards. 

I miss my dad more than words could ever express.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I'm so sorry! I can somewhat empathize. I lost both grandfathers within 10 weeks of each other. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family.