Tuesday, January 20, 2015

random learning, I was sick and a fun kids event...

Last Sunday Mac was bored and he wanted me to find something for him to do. I told him I wasn't responsible to entertain him so he pulled out one of his learning workbooks that he really doesn't like. And he probably spent 30 minutes going through it without getting bored or frustrated. That is so unlike him.

A friend from our stake had a baby and she asked if we could watch her little girl for a couple of hours while her husband came to the hospital and watched the baby so she could take a nap. we loved it and she is the sweetest little thing. 

I was thinking we hadn't done any school this week but I guess we worked on a bit of subtraction. 

Oak has been wanting to learn to braid so I set up this little thing with ribbons to teach her. She got really frustrated at first but actually picked it up very quickly. 

We went to the park one day because it was a nice day but once we got there it was COLD. So we didn't stay long. But the kids always have to roll down the hill when we are at this park. 

We read about this little trick in a Highlights magazine that grandma had given us. You stack up five pennies and then shove a penny towards the bottom of the stack and just the bottom penny will come out. It is a pretty cool trick. 

One night we watched a bunch of music videos from The Piano Guys and Lindsey Stirling. The kids always love doing that. Oak danced pretty much the whole time. 

And of course Mac had to get out the Light Sabers for Cello Wars. 

He just looked so big sitting there reading during during his turn in family scripture reading. 
Reading scriptures has helped his reading so much.

We have been sharing coughs and head cold around here. I finally got it and was down for two days. And our sweet service oriented Oak on her accord thought up, made and brought me breakfast in bed. It was so thoughtful. The next day Mac joined in and they both brought me breakfast in bed again. 

While Oak was at preschool we read a library book about Owls that Mac had gotten at the library and we wrote down some facts that we learned about them. Mac really loves owls. 

Lately Mac has been really into building models of houses with his legos. 

She is just too cute!

I have gotten in a better habit of having a clean kitchen, plus now with my mom living with us who loves to keep busy with housework, my kitchen is always spotless. So with her being out of town and me being sick our kitchen went to "pots" (haha funny pun) very quickly. It smelled terrible so. 

One morning I asked Mac to come and help unload the dishwasher. He said he was busy doing math then he read off to me what he had being doing and this is what it was. I love that he loves math and that all on his own he was doing this. 

I was sick for two days. The first day when I felt the worst the kids watched tv all day. So the next day when I felt a bit better I said no tv and they could play however they wanted. They ended up making a pirate ship and played pirates all afternoon. I love when my kids get the chance to play freely and they don't complain of being bored. 

They also made movies of their pirate adventures. 

I have gotten in the habit of making my bed everyday and I didn't for the two days I was sick. But during quiet time, Oak got to be in my room (since the kids share a room now) and when I came up after quiet time was over I walked in and Oak had made my bed. For a minute I thought maybe I had made it and had just forgotten that I had. But nope, Oak did it all on her own. 

Saturday we went to the annual PLAY outdoors event for kids at the fair grounds. It is free and pretty awesome. It is an event that helps kids to get excited about all the outdoor activities that can do and be involved in. We spent more than two hours there. And we still didn't do or see everything they had there. 

The kids were amazed at how big a teepee is in inside. 

This was a boyscout thing. Mac loved this!

Oak really only cared about the horses. 

The fire department had a little hose dragging race. 

For some reason Mac was totally enthralled by this presentation of safety. He stood and listened for about 10 minutes. 

Mac got to shoot a bb gun for the first time. He was so excited! 

He even got to keep his target. 

Oaks favorite part. Pretty sure she would have been happy to take him home. She stayed by him for more than 15 minutes. 

The lady even let Oak walk her around. 

They also got to shoot a bow and arrow.

On the way out we saw the panning for gold booth.

She is improving!


Mac gave a talk in Primary and he read his whole talk by himself. Go MAC!

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