Sunday, January 25, 2015

out of town, visiting friends and playing outside...

We were out of town this week and apparently I didn't take many pictures.

Monday we made banana bread. We had an extra loaf and Mac wanted to take it to his Primary teacher and write her an apology note for how he acted in class the day before. This was all his idea and he was very excited about it. 

Left my hubby a bathroom mirror love note. 

Oak and Mac spent a lot of time playing with benji (my inlaws dog)

We went to pick up my Mom from my Uncles house and Oak had to go and see the pigs. They are so ugly they are cute!

Mac was trying to make an ant trap. It didn't work. 

The kids had fun playing outside and exploring at grandma and grandpas. 

Watching a show on the ipad. I thought it was so funny how they were sitting. The ipad had to be plugged in since it was nearly out of battery power so we couldn't put it someplace more comfortable. 

We got to play with our old neighbor friends. My kids jumped in to play like they have never been gone. We miss that place and our friends so much. 

I had the kids clean up the family room and they both kept out the comics from the news to read when they were done. 

Got to visit Mac's other neighbor friend the next day. 

Grandma helping Mac read before bed. 

Before church the kids made this. I seriously love seeing what my kids come up with when left to entertain themselves. 

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