Sunday, March 23, 2014

This week!

So last Saturday I took Mac to Immediate Care and Sunday during Sacrament meeting Oak was acting like she didn't feel very good. So daddy took her home and took her temp, which was low grade. He gave her some Motrin and then she perked up. For the next two days her fever would spike up to 103-104 and she would be miserable and we would give her some motrin and she then would be perfectly happy and her normal self except she started complaining just a little bit about her throat hurting. 

Monday Hubs had to drive to Eugene to drop something off and he took Mac with him so it was just me and Oak who was sick. And while she took a long nap I was able to get my kitchen scrubbed down. It rarely is clean wit hit being so small and all the meals I make. 

By Tuesday her throat looked terrible so I decided to once again make another trip to Immediate Care and sure enough after 30 minutes waiting in the waiting room, seeing a nurse for less than five minutes, another 30 minute wait for the doctor, seeing the doctor for less than five minutes, a written Rx for antibiotics and $230 later, we were told it was most likely Strep Throat. 24 hours after being on the antibiotics her fever didn't come back and her throat didn't hurt anymore. 

I bought a subscription to a children's leaning website called Starfall. Mac loves the learning games on there. We have been mostly working on math lately and this has helped especially since I haven't been very motivated to put toghether structured school days. 

The kids spent the afternoon putting together a pirate ship where they then ate lunch. Later we turned it into a movie watching fort. 

The kids were bouncing off the walls from not getting outside so we went on a scooter/bikeride on the walking path. It was much needed and a beautiful day.

Just a cool bridge and out turn around point.

Taking a rest. 

And Oak had stop by and see the horses and chickens along the path. 

This week I am not really sure Mac has eaten a single bite of dinner and he has been really tired by dinner time. We haven't been eating too late, like 6;30 because we have been waiting for daddy to get home from work. But I need to start feeding the kids earlier. 

I was really impressed with Oaks sounding out attempt at writing the word "activity" ATEVE. She also figured out how to draw hearts (inside the bodies) and she was really proud.

What Oak's bed looks like most of the time. She is a bit of a hoarder when it comes to her bed. I clean it off about once a week and it all ends up back in her bed and she doesn't like it when I try to move it to find her a place to sleep. 

Our science experiment was making Flubber. The kids were really excited to do this! And it was actually really easy to  make and really fun to play with. I ended up getting all of our playdough toys out and they had a blast for more than an hour. 

Afternoon snack was popcorn one day.

We went one evening and looked a few houses that are for sale. (We really liked one of them!) In the backyard of one of the houses was this tree. The kids had fun climbing it. 

Mac and I ended up going on a date Friday night. 

Loved that he was wearing shorts and snow boots. 

This week the kids have taken a liking to washing the dishes before we put them in the dishwasher. 

Oak wanted her nails painted rainbow. She has her one thumb back because that is her sucking thumb and it can't be painted if she wants to suck it. 

One day at the  park Mac decided to be brave and climb this. He almost gave up but after some encouragement he got to the top. He loved it after that and did it several more times. 

Love how Oak's is drawing things lately. This is a Unicorn, her bear and her. Love her curly hair. 

One of Mac's top front teeth has been loose for awhile and while he was eating apples it started to bleed so he worked on trying to get it out for awhile. 

On the night of my birthday before bed we made him work on it until it came out. He does not like the part of loosing teeth wear it comes out. It freaks him out, but he is a pretty tough kid and although crying and bit nervous he worked on it and worked on it and it came out. 

His letter to the tooth fairy: Dear tooth fairy I lulled my tooth I lost 5 teeth and I also went bowling love Mac.
The tooth fairy brought him $1.50 and first thing this morning he handed daddy the 50 cents and said this is for my tithing. Proud parent moment there. 

So Oak decided she wants to be a big girl and doesn't want to suck her thumb anymore. I told her if she can go two weeks without sucking it I would take her to the store to pick out a toy. She decided she wants and Elsa doll. She went to bed and I don't think she sucked her thumb at all but I found her like this when I went in to give her a kiss before I went to bed. At about 5:30 am the next morning I hear, "Mama, I know you said I could get and Elsa doll if I don't suck my thumb, but I really want to suck it." I went in and told her it was her choice. So she decided to suck her thumb. Then during the day she asked me to paint her sucking thumb nail because she was going to be a big girl and not suck her thumb. We shall see. I won't force her, but will try to encourage her. 

Sunday morning Oak wanted an Elsa braid. She was so happy about it she had this smile on her face all morning. And she just looked so grown up and adorable. 

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