Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday Gratitude...

I am thankful...

...for these two amazing kids. They have been testing lately, especially Oak, but I love them so much and I am so grateful to be their Mama.

...for the beautiful, warm weather we had this week and all the time we got to spend outside instead of cooped up in our tiny apartment.

...for the beautiful daffodils that I saw this morning when we pulled into the church parking lot. live in such a beautiful, friendly town. I can't get over how friendly people are here, and I don't just mean members of our church. Every time we go to the park it seems I strike up a conversation with someone.

...for open adoptions and the opportunity I had to help my kids put together packages for their birthmoms. Oak picked out all purple things for her birthmom's birthday and Mac picked out all green things for his birthmom's favorite holiday, St Patrick's day. finally have stamps to mail out Thank you cards and to mail pictures and notes to the kids' friends from our old neighborhood. healthy eating. We are getting back into more healthy eating again. Hubs cholesterol is back up so we are getting our behinds in gear to make sure we get it back down with diet instead of meds. 


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