Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday Gratitude

I am grateful...

...for beautiful, sunny Sunday mornings.

...that my husband tried his best to make my birthday special and fun. It's hard to have your wife's birthday in the middle of tax season.

...for healthy kids. After they were sick this week, I was reminded how rarely this get sick and that there over all health is a blessing.

...for Mac's cute little Jack o'lantern smile with his missing tooth. Cutest!

...for the great park that is a two minute drive from our house. It's a sports park so it is wide open with not many trees and flat and the kids can run around and pretty far with out me having to stop them and I love the playground they can play on. The kids always find new friends and and could really play forever there. It's really nice since we don't have a yard right now. 

...for invites to dinner from Ward members. 

...for great friends here. 

...for the daffodils that I have seen all over K Falls. be another year older. 

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