Sunday, March 16, 2014

Our week...

Our week actually feels like somewhat of a blur. We pretty much didn't do anything this week for homeschool except add to our bald eagle lap book. I am getting a bit burnt out on coming up with my own stuff so it has been hard to find the motivation to have school. I guess there was some learning done just not academic learning. The first half of the week was cold the second half was warm and beautiful with a little bit of sickness on the side. 

We woke up to this Monday morning and it was melted by the afternoon but still, I am so ready for spring.

The kids on their own wanted to make a bald eagle craft. They got all their own supplies and made these without any help or direction. Mac's above and Oak's below.

Mac built this car on his own. He is getting really good with his creativity with legos. 

Oak spends most of her time with a blanket wrapped around her for an Elsa cape and Mac wanted to join in like this the other night. 

One morning Mac wanted to make us all breakfast. I directed him the first day and the second day he wanted to do it all on his own. He can now make himself a bowl of homemade oatmeal with out any help at all. 

I promised the kids we could find them an art project at the store. I had a hard time finding something that didn't cost a lot. So I found these little perler bead packets that cost a dollar. Mac was great with them and could totally do them and Oak had a harder time and mostly made a mess. But we still had a fun afternoon doing this. 

Tuesday was a nice day but when we got to the park the wind was COLD. So we didn't stay long.

The next day we went to the post office to mail packages to the kids' birthparents and get stamps (finally!) then we stopped by daddy's work which is just a couple of block from the post office. After...

Since it was lunch time and we had no food at home (since I have been putting off grocery shopping) we stopped at Subway and then went to the park to play. When we got there we saw a new friend that we had recently met at one of the church playgroups. We had a great time chatting. Then just as she was leaving then a few other friends that I have met at the the play group (who are all in a different ward) showed up so we stayed, then as they were all leaving a friend from our ward showed up. So we ended up staying for FOUR hours!!! It was heavenly!

We all came home with our faces sunburnt!

The kids were so exhausted from all that playing. Oak who always has a hard time settling down to sleep zonked! She didn't move from this position for the entire night.

Mac on the other hand ended that fun day with a fever and so we stayed in the next day for the entire day and this is what my house ended up looking like. 

 I noticed tan lines on my feet and it made me happy!
Friday wasn't as nice, but Mac was feeling a bit better so we met some friends at a park and it ended up being too cold so we went to the Children's museum since we both have year passes.
Friday night our Church Stake had a family game night. So we went to that and it was so much fun and very well put together. They had rooms for different age groups for the kids and we helped out with the nursery age kids the first hour. Our kids were in the movie room watching Monsters Inc and eating popcorn. The second hour we just sat and talked with friends.

Saturday we headed to the library for their read to a dog program and Mac was hesitant to do it for some reason and he just sat and looked at books down one of the book isles. 

However Oak loved the dogs. 

Saturday morning Mac woke up with a huge sore on his mouth and few other bumps on his face. Later in the day his arm looked really bad so I ended up taking him to Immediate Care. 

Turns out he has Imetigo, which is an infection. So we got prescribed a topical antibiotic and it is doing much better but still looks bad. Doctor said it can only spread if he is kissing or rubbing his face on other peoples faces so she said we were fine to go to church and other activities.

Saturday was a beautiful and hot day. It got up to 72. When daddy got home from work we went to the park and there was finally enough wind we were able to fly the kite. 

After the park we headed over to the indoor sports field (which is at the park we always go to) and they were showing a free movie (Monsters University) and had vendors for buying food. So we brought our blanket and chairs and bought some hotdogs and watched the movie. It was fun.

On our way out from the movie the sky looked like this. 

So that is our week.
 Hoping for more school, nicer weather and better health for this coming week.

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