Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sunday Gratitude...

I am grateful...

...for the man in this picture. We have had our disagreements, our struggles and many not so great moments in our marriage but there has also been so many great, amazing, wonderful moments. With all that we have been through together I can't imagine going a single day without him in my life. Eternally grateful for him and his devotion to me and our kids.

...for our needs being met. Although I really dislike living in this apartment. We have a place to live, money to pay for it, food in our fridge, beds to sleep in and we have each other all under one roof. have the opportunity and freedom to homeschool my kids. It may be frustrating at times, but I honestly love it and get excited for our future with homeschooling. I am grateful for all the opportunities it gives us as a family to learn and grow in the ways we want.

...for the invention of crockpots. Seriously I love that you can just throw anything in there and leave it and it will be done for dinner. 

...that Spring is on its way! Yay! I love March and Spring and warm weather and flowers and everything that has to do with spring. I have been told the Spring is the only time you will see K Falls green and I am excited to experience it here. 

...for new friends here. I know I mentioned that a few times already. But I am just so grateful to not feel lonely here because even after being here only two and half months, we have friends and people are so inclusive and friendly here. True blessing! have unpacked the last box that was IN our apartment. I have had a few stragglers and it was driving me nuts. I look forward to the day we get to move into a new house and I can unpack everything and find the things I need to.

...for the learning and growing process that comes from serving in callings at church. My current calling is for sure stretching me and helping me to grow. 

...for ways to keep our family, birth families and friends updated on what is going on in our lives. As much as Facebook drives me nuts sometimes, I also love it and love having a way to share our lives with those we love far away. 

...that our house is now sold and we don't have double the household bills to pay. 

1 comment:

Desiree said...

What a nice gratitude list. I love what you said about homeschooling. I feel like it is truly a gift to homeschool too! Yay for your house being sold, and yay for friends. Those are two things I long for sometimes.