Saturday, March 8, 2014

Homeschool this week...

Well I don't feel like we did a lot for school this week. We got three days in but none of it was thorough or intense. I think we did school work one day and the other two we just worked on our first lap book.

Double up on the markers is always fun.

filling in numbers.

Mac tends to write his numbers and letters frombottom to top and instead of top to bottom so I found this sheet and he did really good at doing correctly so we might be doing these a couple of times a week.

They were watching a Leap Frog spelling video so she was doing her own spelling.

Working on our first lap book. It is about bald eagles since we have been watching the Eagle Cam everyday.
It has actually been quite difficult to do because Oak wants to do her own and it is difficult to help them both. Oak usually doesn't want to follow or listen to directions because of her age but she wants to do what Mac is doing and I can't give enough attention to Mac so he is actually learning something and then he wants to goof off because Oak is goofing off. It gets frustrating.

And we found this bald eagle kite that we just had to get. Unfortunately when we took it to the park it was the one and only time we have been to the park that there was NO wind. Boo!

I have been trying to figure out curriculum to do for Mac for first grade next year. I am getting excited because I think I have most of it figured out. It has felt so overwhelming for so long looking at all their is and how much it costs and not wanting to spend so much money on something that may not work well for Mac. 

Also there is a homeschool center here that is part of the school district and if you are a part of it they purchase all of  your curriculum. I think you are required to come in once a week or something like that. I am not sure we will do it for a couple of years but I think as Mac gets older it will be great.

1 comment:

Desiree said...

We love lapbooks! That's awesome that you're already getting on top of things for next year. Right now I don't even want to think about next year, although I should.