Sunday, January 25, 2009

"How To Make a Mess!" guest blogger:Mac

Mac asked me the other day if he could have his very own post on my blog.
Mom: Sure, what do you want to post about?
Mac: Well I am really good at making messes, maybe I should teach everyone how to make a mess and look so cute that your mom won't get mad at you.
Mom: Well, you are very good at that. I would like to know how you do that too. I would also like to know where you learned that from.
Mac whispers: I can't tell you, but his name starts with "D" and ends with "ad".
Mom: Oh, I should have known. Ok, where do we start?
Mac: You can take pictures of me when you catch me making a mess.
Mom: Well, do you promise to clean up after yourself when you are done?
Mac: Sure! (with a little chuckle under his breath)

Step 1: After you sneak the bag of goodies out your diaper bag. Sit there all cute and eat what ever yummy snacks your mom packed for you that day. Pretend that you really like what you are eating so she won't think that you really just want to empty the bag out on the floor.

Step 2: When she goes back to the kitchen to finish dinner because she figures that you won't make a mess, because it is all too yummy to throw on the floor, this is when you dump your goodies on the floor.

Step 3: Then you play fun games with the food all over the floor like fish hockey. That is where you sweep your hand back and forth until all the goldfishy are spread out all around you. Your mom may actually like this, because it looks like you are cleaning one spot on the floor, and she may think that you are helping.

step 4: act like the cat (that we don't have) double-dog-dared you and you couldn't back down. Then when your mom puts you on the other side of the room so she can clean it back up, make sure you go back and help her by spreading it out more. She will really like that.
by Mac
Thanks Mac for your fantastic demonstration of how to make a mess and not get into trouble. It made mommy laugh. And by the way, you are grounded until you are 19 for not cleaning up after yourself like you said you would.
Love you sweet, cute boy!


The Michiganders said...

Such a cute way to share about a cute boy. So funny. Great photos.

Matt and Christy said...

He he. Little boys sure are messy! Just wait- the messes get bigger when the boy gets bigger! Good luck!

Andy, Amy, Zach and Abby said...

That was very cute! Sometimes I feel all I do all day long is clean up messes! Someday it will get better, right?

Ron and Jessica said...

Yep, he's a pro at making messes and being cute!

The Wright Family said...

Love your writing Brenley. So fun!

Desiree said...

How fun! I love the guest blogger, and fun writing. What a great way to tell about a mess!