Thursday, January 29, 2009

A few things Mac...

I just need to get a few things down that Mac is doing (or isn't).
He started walking last week, and this week has completely refused to walk on his own.
He has all of a sudden started doing a few animal sounds:
horse: neah (sp?)
sheep: baa
cow: moo
dog: grunt/bark sound
he is saying a few two word phrases (and uses them correctly):
Thank you
All done
He is a good mimicker so he has said and does say a ton of words.
New ones I can think of are:
bu (book)
wa (water-signs it at the same time)
mo (more-signs at the same time)
bir (bird-signs at the same time)
doddy (doggy)
be'ee (benny-grandma & grandpa W's dog)
bebe (baby)
ball (can sign it also)
boo (peekaboo)
bune (balloon):
we hadnt talked about balloons for a couple of weeks and we walked into a store the other day and he pointed up and said "bune". I was stunned!
(I am sure there are more)
This kid loves music and loves to dance. He has this whole foot stomping thing going on sometimes and it is too funny.
He knows exactly when to say amen in a prayer, and will say it before we do.
When we ask him if he wants to brush his teeth, he sticks his fingers in his mouth and moves it back and forth.
He has started a new thing where he will rest the side of his head or face up against something when he wants to give it loves. He was doing it to the dogs in his book today. So cute!

I will add more as I think of them.


Jason & Kelli's Family said...

McCoy is an amazing talker! I loved McCoy's post about making a mess. The little things kids do brings so much joy!

Desiree said...

He's growing up fast! Are you ready for Nursery? Sounds like he's ready for Kindergarten with all those cool things he's saying and doing! What a cutie, I love those Grandpa pictures!

Sorry I haven't commented for a while, I have been reading all your posts though.