Saturday, January 3, 2009

Things Mac...

He is not walking yet and will now sometimes stand for about 5 seconds. When he is standing he doesn't fall, he sits himself down. Just yesterday he actually let me hold just one of his hands and help him walk across the room, and he actually enjoyed himself. But he will only do this when HE wants to.
He can say quite a few words. Most he doesn't use all the time and has just said them once or twice, but he is pretty good at mimicking words when he wants to.
*nigh-nigh (night-night)
*sof (soft)
*amen (at the end of prayer almost every time)
*baba (baby)
*all done
He has decided in the last two weeks that he actually wants to eat. He will eat for breakfast a whole piece of toast and a whole banana sometimes. He is still very picky, but I will keep working on that one. And really as long as he is eating, I am fine.
He will drink out of a sippy cup during the day sometimes. But when he is tired he wants a bottle. He loves water and loves to drink out of a cup or through a straw. He doesn't do so well with juice, he always seems to spit it up.
He is now sleeping about 8 hours straight at night, which I am going to consider sleeping all night. He goes to bed between 7 and 8pm and goes to sleep without a bottle pretty good. He will stay asleep until 4 or 5 am and then wants a bottle. He usually will go back to sleep and then wants to be up and playing between 6 and 7am.
He now has 9.5 teeth. His other molar (the one to match the other he got in a while back) is taking its sweet time to come through. There are three little prongs through but it just isn't coming very fast and makes for a really cranky baby sometimes. We just found another tooth that we didn't even know had come through. He loves brushing his teeth every night and he will actually let me look inside his mouth without biting me, which is when we found that other tooth.

He is really good at independent play. And he has now learned how to play "I'm going to get you!" He really loves that game. He giggles and crawls away and he just gets so excited. He is so ticklish and loves to be tickled and lets you know when he is done with that game. He loves all cars, trucks, and his new wagon. He loves wheels, and is making vrooming sounds all the time. He has also learned to push the buttons on the TV and will change the channels, turn it on and off and turnt he volume up really loud.
He usually takes two really good naps during the day. Although I have given in lately and let him go down with a bottle. But that is because we have been all over the place and when he is not home he wont go to sleep without a bottle, so I forget sometimes and just give in.
He has actually been really well the last two weeks. No sickness of any kind! He had his one year check up but didn't get any shots, because he had a fever all week and I didn't know if he was getting sick or what. It ended up been Roseola. So we will go in when he is 15 months to get those shots. We still don't know if he is or isn't allergic to milk. I have tried a few times mixing some milk based formula with his soy based and he always seems to get a runny nose or something. I will keep trying every once in awhile until I get around to getting him to the allergist. The doctor did say it is ok to give him regular soy milk, so I have been trying to ween him from the formula a little.
Happy and Loving:
He is so sweet and we love him to death. We really can't imagine our lives without him. He has a temper and knows how to show it, but is also very sweet and loving. He has started to give kisses sometimes. And he is getting a little more cuddly than he used to be. The other morning he woke up crying only about an hour after he had a bottle, so I decided I would just go in and see if he would let me rock him. He just cuddled right in on my lap and didn't move a muscle. He sat there for maybe a half hour while I sang him every song I could think of and he eventually fell back asleep in my arms. I love those moments and wished they lasted for a lot longer and happened more often. Because they don't, when they actually do happen and relish every second and so enjoy it. We love our boy and everything about him. We are so excited for this next year with him.


Amy said...

I just love your new banner - what a handsome little man! It really blows me away how fast these milestones happen! Where does the time go? Happy New Year! I have loved getting to know you through this blog. Take care!

Kristin and Seth said...

Wow...I love the pictures of McCoy up top! He is so cute, you do a great job recording everything.

Anonymous said...

Good choice on not getting him vaccinated when he wasn't feeling well! You should visit this website and read through it. Just some information on why shots are not good for small babies, or children... One size does not fit all..the same dosage that would go into your son would also be the same dosage for a man the size of Shaq. Just some food for thought.

Anonymous said...

oops...forgot to add the websites... and