Monday, January 12, 2009

growth chart

I made this growth chart for Mac awhile ago, I think maybe at the beginning of November. I got the idea from my friend Rose when she made one awhile back.
I loved how mine turned out! I wanted something a little rustic looking, because when I decorate Mac's big boy room, I am going to do a cowboy theme. The only thing that I really don't like about it is that it has to hang on the wall instead of just setting against the wall. It is only four feet because it is just a board that my dad had already in his shop. But it is still really functional. Since Mac won't stand we just measured him laying on the floor then I marked the board for his first birthday. I plan on doing it every six months.
How I did it:
I found coordinating scrapbook paper and cut it to the length and width I wanted. Each piece marks a foot. I found some travel sewing kits with paper measuring tape (that matched the rustic feel I was going for) at a "what-not-store". I bought a couple and used just the first 12 inches of each tape for each foot (if you look closely at the bottom picture I glued them on upside down, it is fixed now.) Then I used my Mom's Cricket cutter and cut out the numbers for each foot and Mac's name at the bottom. I coated everything at least 5 times. I really wanted it to last.


Ashley said...

Okay, I have to make one now.

Emily said...

I love it! I have been looking for cute growth charts but haven't seen any I liked...this one looks so cute and it's a bonus that I could make it. Thanks for sharing, so cute!

The Michiganders said...

I love this! I think it would be so cute to have one in each of my kids rooms! So clever. The blog looks great by the way. Your boy is getting so big--he is so adorable.

Sean and Steph said...

Such a cute growth chart! You're so crafty, and it'll look great in a cowboy themed room!

FarrEver Family said...

Hey, can we get together and make this...oh yeah that is right I live in Spokane! Super cute. Miss you tons!

rose said...

oh spring! SUPER cute!!!
and super easy, huh!
great job.