my sweet boy!
i wake up with a killer headache.
Mac wakes up at 6:30 (that's an improvement from yesterday's 4:00 wake-up scream until 5, finally get him up and feeling bad because he was soaked through from a not so good diaper.)
he is super honory(sp?) and cranky the entire morning.
Mac goes down for nap at 9:15 and only sleeps a half hour.
make apple crisp and make the mistake of putting the apple peals down the ancient garbage disposal.
have a VERY clogged sink.
parents show up at 11ish with both Mac and I still in our P.J.s
I still have a headache and a very cranky son.
my parents try to talk us into going out to lunch.
I decline because of headache and not wanting to deal with cranky son at a restaurant.
Mac finally has just had it (as did I) and laid him down for another nap.
my parents try to help me with clogged sink.
we also find a pool of water under the sink.
my mom cleans it up for me, thanks!
my parents leave for lunch.
I take some medicine and try to lay down and sleep, only made it worse.
Mac thankfully slept for his usually 1.5 hour nap.
Mac wakes up a much happier baby, but very clingy.
I still have headache.
parents come back with a bucket for the leaky, ancient garbage disposal.
parents play with Mac.
headache is finally gone.
sink still clogged.
parents leave.
I talk to the idiot who does the maintenance and who owns the management company.
I tell him I want a new garbage disposal because this isn't the first time we have had problems with it.
When I tell him the problems we have with it, he tells ME how to fix it.
I am miffed!
He said he will talk to owner about new disposal and will get back to me next week.
mean while he told me to just keep working on the sink and tighten the pipes, THANKS!
(side note on idiot: every time he comes to fix something which has only been about 3 times, he makes me feel like I should have figured out how to fix it myself, then he will usually to a crappy job at fixing what ever it was and then I have to have my dad or Hubs redo it. Lovely!)
later I go and look under the sink to find out that the leak was not really where we thought it was and there is another pool under there.
I pull everything out from under the sink and clean up water, and move the bucket.
Hubs comes home to both of us still in our P.J.s, house a mess, and no dinner made.
and I have to talk him into helping fix the sink.
he ends up taking the pipes apart and finding the clog and cleaning it out and trying to put the pipes back to together so they wont leak anymore.
meanwhile I am trying to fill the stomach of the bottom-less pit I have for a son.
while he decides that he is done and starts throwing his food on the floor in hand fulls.
only to get down telling me he wants to eat more.
sink is no longer clogged.
house and kitchen are a disaster.
and somehow through out the day I was able to completely prepare my class lesson for Primary and gather everything I need for sharing time, and redoing the baby announcement I made for my friend to use.
I am exhausted!
How about you?