Monday, July 14, 2008

the scoop on us...

I thought I would just update everyone on what is going on with us. I have had an overload of pictures I think and I still have alot more that I want to post, so those are coming soon.

  • Our biggest news is that we are no longer in 2nd ward. Hubs has been called to the Spanish Branch, which means that we go with him too. There are actually a couple of women in the branch that don't speak Spanish and they made me feel very welcome yesterday for the few minutes that I was there ( I will explain that in a minute.) And there are alot of others who can speak English. Who knows maybe I will pick up on some Spanish and be fluent in no time, ya right!
  • Now to why I was at church for only a few minutes. We were told to go to 5th wards sacrament meeting which is right before the Spanish branch starts, so during sacrament meeting Mac got fussy and Hubs took him out, they were out in the foyer for quite awhile when I look out and Hubs motions me to bring the diaper bag. I walked up to them and Mac and Hubs are covered in vomit. Mac decided to get sick, and he started throwing up and the front of Mac's dress shirt was covered and soaked along with all of Hubs hand and arm. Hubs some how managed to keep it off of his dress clothes and get Mac to the trash can were he threw up more and filled the bottom of the can. So I Mac's clothes off while Hubs went and washed his hand and arm. And Mac and I went home. He fell asleep on the way home which is only about a 5 minute drive and I was able to take him out of his car seat and put him to bed without waking him up, very unusual for Mac. He really didn't eat much the rest of the day, so I ran to the store and got some Pedialyte which he REFUSED to drink, even though it tasted like apple juice. So I have been so worried that he is going to get dehydrated, because it has been really hot. When it got time for the Spanish Branch's sacrament meeting to be over, we went back to the church to pick Hubs up, and we were able to catch the closing song and prayer.
  • Last Sunday we went to an extended family reunion for my mom's father's side of the family. My grandad was the oldest of 13 children and this reunion was supposed to be of all the families of those 13 children. Hence we didn't know many people there. But it was pretty fun. My cousin had Mylisa there with her and so we got to see her. She was so excited to see us. She just wanted us to push her on the swing the whole time, which we happily did. Also the food was yummy!
  • We have roommates in our new place...MICE. When we moved in we found alot of mice droppings so we set up traps. We caught one last week during the day when Hubs was gone to work and I was freaking out that I had to be in the house with a dead mouse, yuck! And then when we got home this weekend we found another dead one. So two down, who knows how many more. I think I am going to go buy more traps today.
  • Hubs is really enjoying his job so far, some days have been pretty slow but I don't think it will stay that way for long. I am so NOT looking forward to the busy season and not seeing my husband at all for about 4 months or so. But he will make up for it during the summer with all the vacation time he will rack up during busy season.
  • We went to Sweet Home where my parents live and we went to the Rodeo and watched the parade which my Dad was driving in. Pictures coming soon of these events.
Now for some things Mac...
  • Mac is 7 months old TODAY. And he does NOT sit up yet. I am actually pretty sure it is not a delay as much as it is stubbornness. When we try to work on him sitting up and can actually stay up for about 3 seconds. After about 10 or so seconds of trying to work on getting him balanced, he realizes what is going on and pushes himself backward, on purpose. He actually he such a busy kid and never sits still for anything, I think this has also been taking part in him not sitting up yet. He can't sit still long enough to gain balance, plus he know if he is laying down he can roll around. What a stinker!
  • Even though he can't sit up, I don't think he is that far from being able to scoot around on his tummy. He pushes with his feet alot already and this morning I saw him push his feet while pulling with his arms to try to get closer to a toy.
  • I signed Mac up for parent/child swim lessons. They are to help him get used to being in the water. We have yet to take him swimming, so we will see how he like it. It is also just so we have something to do this summer.
  • Remember how Mac used to not be able to stay awake past 6:30 (Montana time-1 hour ahead). And then he slept through the night? Well our move has totally screwed him up. He won't go to bed for the night until about 9 or even sometimes later. And then he has been waking up for a bottle at either 11 or 12pm or at 3 or 4am. And usually when he wakes up at those times he is screaming for a good 1/2 hour even after he has a bottle. Hubs is usually the only one that can get him to calm down and can put him to sleep. I guess I am now paying my dues, right?
  • I got a sneak peak at the sweater vest my Aunt is making for Mac's sealing and blessing. I can't wait until it is all done, he will be so handsome in his white slacks, white dress shirt and white sweater vest, and possibly a little white tie if I can find one.
  • Mac has also bitten me a few times on my arms and shoulder. He has not drawn blood...YET! But he always leaves a nice welt that turns into a bruise. When he does this I tell him NO in a stern voice with a stern face and I tap his mouth with my fingers and he always smiles or laughs when I do that. Oh brother, am I in for it!
  • Mac is also the light of our lives. We can't imagine our lives without him. We love him more than words can even express. We love his smile his laugh and the way he looks at us. We are so blessed to be his parents.


Emily said...

How fun to be in the Spanish Branch! I hope you guys enjoy it. Sorry about the throw up. Easton did that to Steve the other day. I feel so sad when little babies are sick. i hope he's feeling better.

I was going to come and visit you when I get there next week, but not if you are living with mice!!! I'll make you come to my mom's.

I hope he figures out his new sleeping schedule pretty soon. Maybe he's weirded out by his new room.

Kimi said...

Excitement! Isn't if amazing that kids can get sick anywhere and then fall asleep sp fast. Poor guy!
It sounds like you guys are really enjoying being home in Oregon. Wish we could be going home for good.
I can't wait to see all your pictures!

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

What fun updates! Except for McCoy throwing up. Sooo sorry about that one Brenley. NO fun. But all those boating and life jacket pictures are super cute! I love his little face and all it's expressions!

rose said...

poor little MC! pukey babies are not fun. and i feel so bad for them because they have no idea what is going on.
and biting is no fun for you! who knew those cute little teeth could hurt so dang bad?!
have mucho fun in the spanish ward. you'll get some awesome food at the potlucks!

Andy, Amy, Zach and Abby said...

First of all, I love all of the boating pictures! Sooo cute! Sorry that McCoy was sick and I hope he gets better soon (if he's not already!) The mice thing would totally creep me out. Hopefully you'll get them all outta there! Yikes! Don't you just love it when you're trying to discipline your child and they just smile at you with the little look that says, "C'mone, what are you really going to do? I'm so cute!" Ya, little stinkers. Good luck! :)

Sarah Bailey said...

Love your blog Brenley! McCoy sounds like such a character. My kids didn't sit up forever either. I think with every one I thought, "Isn't it about time you sat up???"

Our Pratt Pack said...

Poor guy I can't believe how sick he got. If you can't find a tie try ebay, we got Boston a full on white pageant tux for his blessing for like $25 it was so cute.

Carrie and Jon said...

I'm so happy that life is treating you great! Sorry to hear about the mice. I hate mice. I grew-up on a small farm with tons of fields all around so I know how it is to have a mouse in the house. Although I know the feeling ...I still hate it and it scares me to death