Wednesday, July 23, 2008

bunko, bbq, and friends!

The Jolley's invited us over for a bbq with the Mitchell's. We ate some yummy food and played bunko. We had alot of fun!
Mac and I with our friend Emily and her son E

 Hubs won a prize for having the least amount of points in Bunko. To his credit, Hubs had a stuffed bear playing for him on the first round and he was holding Mac for almost the rest of the game.


rose said...

i'm so jealous of you!
good times with good friends. lucky!

eventually i'll get up there for a visit...

Andy, Amy, Zach and Abby said...

Oh my goodness you have a lot of new posts all of a sudden! So I'm just going to say that I love all of the pictures and happy faces that I see! Oh, and those wedding pictures that you took are totally gorgeous! You really are gifted, you know? :)

Leisha said...

He is a totally cute little chunk isn't he! What a babe!

Emily said...

I love baby McCoy! It was so fun to see you guys! I love that you live by my parents now, so I can bug you whenever I come to visit. And congrats to Bryce on his bunco victory!