Monday, July 21, 2008


Ok, so my weekend has been one crazy busy whirlwind...and I am pooped!

--Spanish Branch picnic Saturday night.
--Drove to Portland with Mac Sunday morning.
--Took pictures at my cousins wedding (last one I will ever photograph) from 3-8pm Sunday.
--Took my Dad to the ER Sunday night and Monday morning (in Portland) for antibiotics for possible spider bite that has made his right hand swell up like a balloon.
--In all of that, I felt like I was neglecting my cute son who is on antibiotics himself and teething.
--I got to see cute Mylisa who kept telling me "B, I so excited about you!" She was really excited to see me!
--Drove home this afternoon to try to get home in time for Mac's first day of swim lessons. We got home in time but we were both too tired, Mac crashed in his crib and zi wanted to crash too.
--We were invited to a bbq tonight with the Jolley's and Mitchell's and then played Bunko, it was a blast and the food was so yummy! The bonus was getting to see Emily and her cute Easton for the first time and also Darren and his fam! I grew up with these families!
--My house is a complete disaster and I am hoping tomorrow I can get that taken care of along with just chillin!
--I also have a ton of pictures of everything that I want to post, and I am hoping I can get caught up on that!
--I am tired and heading to bed where my boys already are!

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