Sunday, July 13, 2008

FIRST Independence Day!

Very uneventful, Mac didn't see any fireworks because they don't ever do the big fireworks on the 4th at the lake, so we missed them. And Mac was asleep when Hubs's brother did a little show for the kids. We did have a bbq with Hubs's grandparents (who own the Lake House) and Hubs's other Great Uncle and Great Aunt who also have a house on the Lake.


FarrEver Family said...

What a good looking family! Miss you guys.
Amy and John and Noah and Micah and Deeken.
PS I have been working on letters with Micah and Noah and we were trying to come up with B words. Micah thought of both Bryce and Brenley all by herself. The love must still be there!

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous picture! Very professional looking! :)

Stephanie said...

Your 'big man' has such a cute grin going on... I can't believe how big he is getting. Aren't you down to a month (this week) until your sealing date?!? Soooo exciting...