Sunday, May 17, 2015

love letters...

So a couple of months ago I had a bit of a meltdown. I was feeling worn out and unloved and probably a bit overwhelmed. And my poor husband got the brunt of it. This man of mine, he has NEVER EVER spoken an unkind word to me. He has never been anything but supportive anyway he could figure out. So a few days after my little  big meltdown I received a letter from him in the mail. It was a little love letter to me. And it could not have been more perfect for what I needed at the time. Then the next week I got another, then another. So that he didn't feel to much pressure to do them every week, I told him he didn't have to send them every week. So now I get them about every other week. And I so look forward to them. It is one of the most thoughtful, loving things he has done for me. I adore this man of mine. And I am so grateful I get to spend eternity with him.

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