Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December in photos

I have added a few November pics because I missed them last month.

Thanksgiving at my parents house.

Mac playing with bones from the Turkey. So gross!

Making bead necklaces and bracelets.

Cute face!

Go BEAVS! Civil War...such a close game!

Last date night before Hubs would be going back to K Falls for TWO WEEKS!

Funny girl.

Dressed for church!

Ah, the faces she makes.

Melt down about clothes. Usually that is how her meltdowns start.

Mac with a new haircut. And i love my red heads!

Concetrating very hard painting her bird house she was meticulous about painting.  

All snuggled up, so cute!

Crafting it up at Grandma's

When we were at my parents house for a few days, this boy would climb on my lap everytime I sat down and stay and snuggle until I was ready to get up. Not normal for him, but I think it was because daddy was gone.

Missed this man so much. Hated that he was away for two weeks straight. But loved that we could Facetime.

Grandma had some fruit smelling markers and Oak's nose looked like this most of the time from smelling them.

So we had just barely gotten home from my parents house and it was 20 degrees outside with a few inches of snow and Oak goes straight to her room and changes into this.

This girl wakes up with the greatest bed head.

Getting some good winter coats before we moved to K Falls where it gets really cold.

Mac spends most of his time playing legos and this is what we did early one morning.

Grandma C got Oak this new dress. She tried it on and asked if she could wear it to bed and to avoid a meltdown I said yes. The look on her face when i told her that was priceless. And she pretty much wore it for a week straight.

The morning after she wore her dress to bed. She got up and put tights on and was ready to go for the day.
This was also the day daddy was coming home after being gone for two weeks. We were all really excited!

No matter how many time I remind Oak about only coloring on paper she seems to forget and scribbles else where.

Super Hero.

I somehow didn't get this photo in Mac's birthday post, but his birth mom sent him this for his birthday. Along with Christmas presents for all of us.

Mac Wrench hands!

One morning I woke up way too early and couldn't go back to sleep. I was frustrated until I remembered that we had just put up our tree. So I went and sat on the couch and looked at our pretty lit up tree.

Oak had an obsession with Hubs' old Palm Pilot (yes you read that right) and she would be playing with it and just start giggling. When we asked her what she was doing she replied, "Texting my boyfriend!"

The last day of school before winter break they had a turkey lunch and family was invited to come and eat with the kids. Since I knew Mac wouldn't eat it and i didn't really want him to with his allergy so I picked him up early and we went home for a bit and waited for DQ to open (since the school has lunch at 10:30). Then on the way to DQ macs 4th baby tooth came out. It was very exciting!

Little munchikins in bed early morning.

A friend offered to watch my kids for a bit while I did some packing. I stayed for a bit before I left them there because our house was being shown. While I was there her sweet little friend Penny got out her princess makeup. Oak loved it and caked her face. I couldn't help but laugh every time I looked at her.

At the same friends house Mac got to play their Xbox Kinect. He loved it. I think he had been playing probably for about half hour before I got there and another half hour after I got there. It wore him out so much that he fell asleep on the couch about 5pm and slept for about two hours and then he struggled to get fully awake for another 30 minutes. Then was asleep in his bed by 9:30. We need to invest in one of those after we get into a house, I am not sure our downstairs neighbor would appreciate it.

While daddy was living away from us, the kids got in the habit of jumping up from what ever they were doing to come sit and snuggle with me everytime I sat down. 

I can't get enough of this boy. He is such a happy, fun baby. 

The boys accidentally matched at church. That's what happens when you share a Grandma who buys lots of clothes for her grandkids.

Once again, love him!

I was dropping Mac off at Grandma's to play with his cousins. I wasn't planning on leaving Oak because there wasn't much adult supervision. She really wanted to stay so I asked my teenage niece to keep an eye on her. Because I wasn't planning on leaving her she wasn't prepared with the clothes to play outside. When I got there she looked like this. She looked so stinking cute!

Daddy trying on some of Oak's Christmas gifts.

The kids got these adorable little tents from some good friends. They asked to sleep in them that night, and how could I NOT let them?! 

Oak drew this adorable turtle!

The rest of the month was moving and living in K Falls so I will make a separate post of that.

1 comment:

Tia Hopper said...

Love the pictures. What games did he play on the Xbox? We got one (surprisingly enough. We aren't video game people.) But our kids LOVE the Dance Central, Adventures and the track and field. What a work out!! I do the zumba (ok, not anytime soon.) But it's a fun workout. If you like that kind of thing. That and a driving game is all we have.